18 Heartbreaking and Powerful Books On Animal Abuse

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This article showcases our top picks for the ‘Books On Animal Abuse’. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).

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Just a Dog by Arnold Arluke

This product was recommended by Allan Borch from DotComDollar

As an owner of two dogs, I sometimes wonder what comes into the mind of those who can manage to hurt canines. This book taught me the psychology behind these human behaviors. According to the book, our treatment to our dogs reflects our intrinsic issues in ourselves. This helps me better understand how to better cultivate my relationship with my dogs that translates to my own development as an individual.

Bleating Hearts by Mark Hawthorne

This product was recommended by Daniel Carter from Zippy Electrics

When I started my life as a vegan in 2015, I also started standing up for the rights of animals. This book features all the essential rights (whether legalized or not) everyone would know about our fellow animals This book is more than a collection of written laws and laws of nature itself. It is a book that reflects the life and misery of animals in the hands of humankind that should have been taking care of them EQUALLY.

The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence by Andrew Linzey

This product was recommended by James Bullard from Sound Fro

This is an interesting book that is a collection of theories from various philosophers like Aquinas, Locke, Schopenhauer, and Kant. In this book, the ideas of these experts would loom the theory linking the cruelty to animals to violence to people.

The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant

This product was recommended by Meg Marrs from Safer Senior Care

The world was shocked when NFL player Michael Vick’s brutal dog-fighting operation was uncovered. This book tells the story of what became of the fifty-one dogs who survived after being saved by both public outcry and a court-ordered payment of $1m by Vick. It exposes the heartbreaking act of dogfighting and demonstrates that even after unimaginable abuse a dog still wants love with some moving on to be therapy dogs or loving household pets. This book is powerful and although shocking it is surprisingly uplifting.

Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer

This product was recommended by Stefan Smulders from Expandi

The popular novelist wrote a non-fiction work on the global farmed animal industry and the cruelty behind these corporations. It also explores a message of hope as it details strategies that include the promotion of better consumption choices, humane animal farming, and sustainability practices in agriculture. This book is a must-read for all vegans and for helping people understand the animal cruelty that happens behind the scenes to produce the meat we eat every day.

Dominion by Matthew Scully

This product was recommended by Stephanie Mantilla from Plant Prosperous

This book covers some of the most common reasons people use to justify eating meat and the terrible inhumane conditions factory farming has. While it’s not a religious book, it does cover some of the most common reasons people use from the Bible.

Elephants Among Us by M. Jaynes

This product was recommended by Torben Lonne from DIVEIN

Elephants are among the most vulnerable animals due to their popularity in the tourism and entertainment world. Anyone that’s been to Africa or loves animals, knows that elephants are some of the world’s friendliest and most innocent creatures. This book explores the story of the elephants Stoney and Big Mary, the life they endured, and the efforts that humans took in order to free them from abuse.

Animal Liberation by Peter Singer

This product was recommended by Tom Winter from DevSkiller

This book is perhaps the most well-known work on the abuse of animals by humans and awakened a crusade against the ongoing mistreatment of animals on our planet. Because of how it explores solutions to some of the problems encountered with animal cruelty, many look to this book for inspiration. Considered one of the foundational books on this topic, it’s a must-read for anyone that loves animals and wants to read about what they can do to protect them.

Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse by Phil Arkow

This product was recommended by Logan Mastrianna from Better With Cats

I’ve worked in the animal welfare industry for more than a decade and in that time I’ve been lucky enough to meet many great speakers and advocates for animals. But author, speaker, and editor of this book, Phil Arkow, stands out. This collection of essays explains the link between animal abuse and other violent acts within families. While this is a more mainstream idea now, the book was well ahead of time with a publishing date of November 1998. Still, animal abuse is often overlooked as a lower offense and not the predictor of future violence that it is. This book urges law enforcement and animal welfare agencies to identify this link and work together with a more holistic approach to understand and prevent domestic violence.

Animal Abuse by Catherine Tiplady

This product was recommended by Achintya Kolipakkam from Elegance Tips

The book is the best when it comes to animal abuse. everything you need to know about this field is right here. there are facts, researches, and comments of researchers all combined in this book. there are many instances and examples of foreign investigation of this problem too. I must say its an all-rounder.

The Animal Lover’s Guide to Changing the World by Stephanie Feldstein

This product was recommended by Daniel Caughill from The Dog Tale

The Animal Lover’s Guide to Changing the World takes a look at animal treatment on a global scale and asks what individuals can do to make the issue a little better, from pets to wildlife to the international meat trade. Feldstein casts a wide net with her practical, down-to-earth advice, so every reader can take something from it regardless of where they fall on the ideological spectrum.

Animal Cruelty by Mary P. Brewster

This product was recommended by Sara Bernier from Born for Pets

This book is a wonderful dive into the world of animal abuse both historic and present. It provides insight into how animal cruelty has been a generational concern, how it impacts society, and the role media has to play. Having such a well-rounded look at such an important topic is what makes this an enjoyable read for anyone interested in animal rights.

Give a Sh*t. Do Good by Ashlee Piper

This product was recommended by Vinay Amin from Eu Natural

I loved this book because it not only explains the problems abound in the world with animal abuse and cruelty but offers practical advice on how we, as individuals, can live more compassionately. If we all live with a bit more compassion, sustainability and happiness follow naturally.

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

This product was recommended by Bryan Truong from GameCows

When you think of books that deal with animal abuse, Black Beauty is the top choice. It’s a classic for a reason. Black Beauty was written in 1877. It was a time when animals and especially horses were necessary for day to day life. Just as we have people today with cars filled with trash, dented, and barely running, in 1877 some people viewed the preferred method of transportation, horses, as mere commodities to be used. Seeing a book written from the perspective of the animal and following the highs and lows of its life isn’t something that was really thought about, and it’s something we don’t really think about today. It covers the topic beautifully and is a must-read.

Just a Dog by Arnold Arluke

This product was recommended by Jeff Carbridge from DogOwner

This book is exceptionally insightful, looking into the deeper meanings behind the way we treat animals and the way we see them. It delves into our social relationships instead of focusing on the usual things – personality disorders and mental health issues. The way we view animals is deeper than we think, expanding to both societal and cultural differences as well as the way this has evolved over time.

Rio – A Love Story by Joni Darc Shepherd

This product was recommended by Robin Madelain from Etias-Europe

It is a true story about a girl’s journey with a very special show dog that shines not only as a great dog book with lots of fascinating information about dogs, dog training, and dog’s trials but as a wonderfully inspirational self-help book with a treasure of important information about self-healing.

Saving Sadie by Joal Derse Dauer

This product was recommended by Robin Madelain from Etias-Europe

Saving Sadie by Joal Derse Dauer is a true story. Dauer was donating blankets at a local no-kill shelter when an injured and despondent dog caught her eye. Saving Sadie is a triumphant story about the power of unconditional love and second chances—for humans and animals alike.

Teaching Liberation by Agnes Trzak

This product was recommended by Robin Madelain from Etias-Europe

It is an essential book for critical animal studies scholars, humane educators, and all those who practice pedagogy, whether in the classroom or outside it.

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