28 Spectacular Books About Empowering Yourself

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Good books can give us wisdom and courage. When we read them, the spark of genius in our brain can be ignited, the hidden creativity inside us can be taken out and the skills needed to develop ourselves can be learned. Each book is a treasure, a friend and a teacher that we can respect.

There are many types of books: studying books, life-style books, books which contain some useful skills and powerful secrets.

The books which we’ve compiled here are, in a word, remarkable. They are friendly to us, breezy, and interactive. You can only benefit from them if you carefully read them all. There is not a single lesson in here which you cannot use. We will try to make this review a review where you obtain everything you need. These books will be the most helpful books for you to enrich with.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

This product was recommended by Willie Greer from The Product Analyst

This is an all wonderful book, as it may be a children’s novel, it discusses how a child, different as he is, can be the brightest star when he chose to be. As no amount of difference can ever make up to the golden heart of a person. Appearance could never define who truly a person is. The gift of kindness and warmth is what the book is all about.

The Ethical Slut by Janet W. Hardy

This product was recommended by Kate W from Pleasure Better

As someone who grew up in a religious and sexually conservative culture I had a lot of guilt and shame around sex and my desires. I even had trouble enjoying sex with a committed long-term partner because I had been taught that sex should only be enjoyed with one person and you should be married to that person (and even then women don’t really enjoy sex – or so I was told). This book helps empower you to enjoy sex and relationship styles that are outside the accepted cultural norms. These relationship styles actually best suit many people, though it can be difficult to accept your own desires until you realize many others want the same things. The Ethical Slut discusses open relationships, polyamory, battling sex negativity, discussing boundaries, keeping sex safe, and much more. It empowers you to realize and accept that your own desires are normal and healthy – and it helps you ethically embrace the enjoyment of sex and relationships in their many varied styles!

Be Mighty by Jill A. Stoddard PhD

This product was recommended by Jill A. Stoddard from JillAStoddard

In a culture where women are paid less for doing the same jobs, expected to juggle multiple demands flawlessly, and objectified at every turn, it’s no wonder we experience anxiety at nearly double the rates of men. But anxiety need not be a prison. Based on the principles of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), Be Mighty takes readers on an entertaining and empowering journey toward a deeper understanding of the patterns that are keeping them stuck. Offering evidence-based strategies for embracing discomfort and letting go of the Inner Critic, Be Mighty aims to inspire women to become their fiercest, most authentic, and mighty selves.

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

This product was recommended by Peter Laskay from Petworshiper

It is increasingly common in the modern world that people do not understand each other. This book perfectly explains that in addition to the languages spoken in different countries, there are other kinds of languages, namely love languages. It takes you through the five different types in turn and explains why and how to learn them. I think an important part of self-empowering is learning to recognize the love languages and being able to communicate with other people through them. This ability can have a positive effect on all areas of life.

Writing and Madness in a Time of Terror by Afarin Majidi

This product was recommended by Fran Marcado from SmartFinancial

Writing and Madness in a Time of Terror is a glimpse into the mind of a woman swallowed whole by her crumbling state of mind after sexual trauma. The reader scrambles alongside her for a sense of hope that the nightmare will end. Here you will find a strong narrative account of victimization, the broken homes created in the face of crisis, and the hostile experience of marginalized women even in academia and especially the publishing world.

Know Your True Self by James Petrossi

This product was recommended by Samantha C. from PTNL

Know Your True Self was designed to bring simplicity to the complexity of human life. Inspired by the work of renowned scientists, psychologists, philosophers, and spiritual teachers, this guide uniquely integrates diverse knowledge into concepts that are easy to understand. Each page poses a question and provides answers in a non-traditional format that aids in learning and retention. Readers might be surprised by the way the knowledge, theories, and beliefs within all converge, pointing to the same True Human Self.

Soul Shift by Steph Stanford

This product was recommended by Quadeera Teart from ConfidentlyConnectedTribe

Soul Shift is filled with life changing lessons from a woman who battled cancer and won. The author, Steph Stanford, teaches women how to shift unwanted circumstances on a soul level as she guides them on a journey of self-discovery to connect with the great power soul within.

Little Black Book by Otegha Uwagba

This product was recommended by Reena Rai from Reena-Rai

Little Black Book is the ultimate career guide for working women. Straight to the point with no fluff or clichés, Otegha Uwagba imparts useful, tangible advice. From public speaking advice to financial advice for freelancers, this little book is packed full of useful nuggets of advice. I have turned to this book many times for practical advice, as an introvert networking and public speaking used to fill me with dread but I now approach both of these scenarios with self-assurance and confidence.

The Overcomers’ Anthology by Dr. De’Andrea Matthews

This product was recommended by Dr. De’Andrea Matthews from Claire Aldin Publications LLC

I am suggesting this book as the anthology’s organizer because the content is very encouraging and will empower you to overcome. The anthology co-authors poured their hearts out and were transparent so that others who have been through turmoil would know there is still hope.

Living, Loving, Leading by Damon DaRil Nailer

This product was recommended by Damon Nailer from Living, Loving, Leading

As quoted by several readers- This book is like a GPS system that helps you navigate and reach your full potential in life. I like how it challenges the reader’s involvement in his or her personal development by posing the introspective question, “Am I thriving or just surviving?” L3 certainly provides the keys to change the gears of one’s life from surviving to thriving. The exercises and tools in this book help us to achieve our ultimate purpose and last but not least maximize the gifts and talents we have been blessed with in order to live an abundant, healthy life in all areas.

RESET by Jen Sugermeyer

This product was recommended by Jen Sugermeyer from JenSugermeyer

Jen Sugermeyer is out to make the world a better place by helping others through the power of positive thinking. For decades, to everyone around her, she appeared to have the perfect life. She was fit, had a loving family and worked a successful corporate career. But behind the scenes, she hated herself and was sinking deeper and deeper into addiction. She was living a double life and her two worlds were getting closer and closer to disastrously colliding. Jen embarked on the fight of her life and she aims to share her strength and encourage others to claim the life they deserve! She put everything down in her new book, RESET: 5 Steps to Reclaim the Life You Thought You Lost & Learn to Love Yourself! and is now dedicating her life to helping others through her personal experiences and insight. With her best-selling book and programs, Jen hopes to give others what took her so long to figure out — how to love the person looking back in the mirror.

Incremental Improvements by Mike Brodsky

This product was recommended by Mike Brodsky from Incremental Improvements

The author shares ideas and strategies for making improvements in many aspects of one’s life. For those on a journey of self-empowerment, this book suggests many potential actions and behaviors that can help to lead the reader on the path to success and personal development in a more manageable way. The reader will learn techniques for improving a wide variety of life skills, without becoming overwhelmed. The lessons of the book may also be applied in ways that are relevant to the reader’s specific situation.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

This product was recommended by Stefanie Lesser from Hope & Love Radio

The all time famous You Can Heal Your Life by Lousie Hay is truly a classic in the self help movement. This book focuses on how thoughts can help you create your life. It shows you how you can positively shift your thoughts and beliefs about yourself, giving you not only the positive encouragement needed to face each day, but to also help you learn to love yourself more. Truly one of self-help books needed in your library.

Triumph Over the Trials by Bridgett McGowen

This product was recommended by Bridgett McGowen from BMcTALKS Press

Triumph Over the Trials encourages you to push through even when it’s uncomfortable—even when pushing through is the absolute last thing you want to do. The book’s co-authors answer the question “What is one of the biggest trials or challenges you have ever had, and how did you overcome it?” When you get this book and read it, you get a piece of advice from each co-author that lets you know the triumphs are always greater than the trials. Always.

Strong Like Her by Haley Shapley

This product was recommended by Haley Shapley from HaleyShapley

A cultural history that pays homage to the formidable muscular women of past and present who’ve made important (and often surprising) contributions to society, Strong Like Her challenges readers to rethink everything they thought they knew about the power of women. The story is complemented by portraits of modern-day athletes from a variety of sports, shot by celebrity photographer Sophy Holland. While reading, you’ll feel inspired to get up and work out — and test your own limits of what you’re capable of.

Finally Worry Free by Paula Sullivan

This product was recommended by Paula Sullivan from Finally Worry Free

Everything and anything that is stopping a person from becoming empowered is stored in their programming inside. A person can come up with 100 excuses for why they are not living an empowered life – things like: the economy, my job, my boss, my kids, my upbringing, the pandemic, the government and on and on. But, the best thing they can do for themselves is realize that none of these things are the reason. It’s all in their programming. And that’s good news. Because trying to change all the outside circumstances and people is absolutely futile. But, changing yourself from the inside out – Amazing! And it’s not hard. This book will show you how to start getting inside to your programming.. It has simple daily practices you can sneak into your days that will help you do everything from: healing your past, discovering and replacing your negative beliefs, clearing out fearful thoughts, and so much more.

You Can’t Ruin My Day by Allen Klein

This product was recommended by Allen Klein from AllenKlein

How often we give away our power and let other people or circumstances ruin our day. This book can help change all that. It contains 52 suggestions of how to take back your power and turn any situation around.

The Butterfly Series by Maria Ramos-Chertok

This product was recommended by Maria Ramos-Chertok from Maria Ramos-Chertok

This book offers fifty- two weeks of thought questions to help reader connect to their inner wisdom as they explore life transitions. It is the perfect companion for times in life that are rife with change.

Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Superpower by Ed Latimore

This product was recommended by Ed Latimore from EdLatimore

Not caring what people think is a superpower that will allow you to get what you want out of life. Most people worry about what others will think, so they suffocate their actions. As a result, they never live up to their potential. Within this book are insights about life and living to the fullest in 7 categories.

Life is Easy, We Make it Hard by Cory Collins

This product was recommended by Courtney Pritchard from Emineo Marketing Solutions

Life is Easy, We Make it Hard by Cory Collins is an amazing self-help book that offers easy-to-follow, practical advice on how to get ahead in life by getting out of your own way. It touches on a number of topics such as career, business, relationships (both personal and professional), and the everyday struggles of life in general, and fully empowers you to attain the prosperity and self-fulfillment that you may desire, through both the author’s personal experiences and some very enlightening quotes from many well-known people. This book is very inspiring and motivational, and has had a very positive impact on both my life.

It All Begins With “I” by Stuart K Robinson

This product was recommended by Claudia Sloan from Tallfellow Press

This book offers all the tools needed to finally live the life you’ve always dreamed about. It can happen and happen now!

Legendary Ladies by Ann Shen

This product was recommended by Nicole Garcia from Most Craft

I picked up this book through the ‘also bought’ section on Amazon so I immediately knew that like-minded people to me must have bought it. It’s chock full of great tales and tips, all inspired by goddesses around the world. I read it again with my young daughter and now it’s her favorite book. Part of me delights in the fact that she’ll grow up with this empowering book shaping her confidence.

The She Book by Tanya Markul

This product was recommended by Nicole Garcia from Most Craft

This is a personal favorite of mine. It’s full of beautiful poetry, prose, and one-liners that just give you a little boost each day. Something to keep in the back of your mind, mantras to repeat. It was an easy read, delightful, beautiful, and painfully real.

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

This product was recommended by Nicole Garcia from Most Craft

Highly recommend this for young women in their 20s and 30s who just feel lost in today’s rapidly changing social landscape. It’s full of tips, inspirational stories, and a fresh perspective from a real woman who we can all relate to.

Screw It, Let’s Do It by Richard Branson

This product was recommended by Michael Dean from Pool Research

Much of this book is about how to take leaps of faith in life on large, often risky endeavors such as starting your own business. Richard Branson, being the uber-successful entrepreneur that he is, gives a lot of advice on not only starting a business, but also how to switch your mindset from being overcautious to going after what you truly want in life. For me, reading this book was part of the reason I finally took a chance and started my own business. It was something I always wanted to do, but thought it would be too risky or wouldn’t work out. Reading this book helped me to finally make the decision to start my business, and I’m confident it will help other people to make life-changing decisions, as well.

The Sun and Her Flowers By Rupi Kaur

This product was recommended by Melanie Musson from BroadFormInsurance

This book is broken into five movements: wilting, falling, rooting, rising, and blooming. Rupi Kaur poignantly expresses the process of growing out of despair and blossoming into joy. Her poetry stirs emotions and moves readers to feel part of the process. No matter where you are right now, this book will help you see what’s inside of you so that you are empowered to reach your potential.

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

This product was recommended by Joe Flanagan from 90s Fashion World

Every woman and man should give it a try. Empowering women all around is a task we should all promote, after all we all have women around us that can benefit from it. Be that your mother, sister, wife or daughter. Truly soulful read!

Get out of your own way by Mark Goulston

This product was recommended by Joe Flanagan from 90s Fashion World

I believe that during the course of our lives we are, sometimes, our biggest enemies. Be that because we have awful habits, because we self sabotage or because we simply fail at helping ourselves. So, this practical guide can really help all of us with all of that!

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