Experts Tell Us the Most Famous Feminist Books

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Photo by George Milton from Pexels
This article showcases our top picks for the Most Famous Feminist Books. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Taking Charge of your Fertility by Toni Weschler

This product was recommended by Paula Ponte from Bask Juices

This might not be specifically categorized as a feminsit book, but, this book taught me at the age of 27 many years ago, how to finally understand my body. This is what our young girls should be given as part of our health educational curriculum. The book although commonly used for planning or preventing pregnancy is much more than that. For me it taught me what was right or possibly concerning, how to not feel dirty or ashamed of my body and really educated me as a woman. My sex life changed considerably after this book because I was willing to let go and accept my natural smells, feelings and overall anatonmy of my body as healthy and beautiful. It really educated and allowed me to be a woman, physically first, followed by emotionally and mentally.

Rage Becomes Her The Power of Women’s Anger by Soraya Chemaly

This product was recommended by Paula Ponte from Bask Juices

This is my most recent read, suggested by another Executive woman in my professional network during a mentoring session when I was explaining that I was currently feeling like chump in a sea of sharks. I had been experiencing rhetoric, such as, when I state an opinion, it’s referred to as noise, when my male counterparts do that same, they are disturbers (in a positive, that’s what we need way) When I assert myself, I’m angry, when I am passionate, I’m dramatic. I was told by another that I was being perceived as angry, so……I read the book, and I’m still new at it, but I am learning to tread the dangerous waters using this as a tool. It’s ridiculous I have to swim that much harder, without a jacket, while doing tricks all at the same time.

The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedman

This product was recommended by Paula Ponte from Bask Juices

I didn’t read this book for the first time until I was in my early 40’s, probably a consequence of not being formally educated. By the time I was done I gave it to my daughter who is in her first year of University and said, Read this! We have a great relationship, I share with her all my life stories, and she has learned alot from me, but sometimes it helps to have a published book backing up your life’s experiences and helping our daughters understand how hard life was for their mothers and grandmothers and so on. What we have had to overcome, accept, endure or fight for, the pressures we face. It’s insanity. The level of discussions we have now after she has read some of the literature I have been reading while finally being back in school myself, has been incredible. The truth will set you free. If the only thing in life I accomplish is raising my two girls to be compassionate strong women who know their self value and worth in themselves before anyone else, then I’ve achieved my own purpose as a feminsit. This book is the bible for any woman who wants to wake up and become enlightened, or maybe she is already those things, but wants support, this is it.

Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall

This product was recommended by Mahnoor Khurram from Note To The World

This book is very popular among feminists all over the world and is praised by many readers. It includes a very unique perspective of feminism by talking about the gaps in the feminist movement, mainly focusing on basic needs.

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This product was recommended by Abby from WellPCB

This book is an adaptation of the author’s TED talk about feminism. It’s a short book that talks about feminism and why we all should be feminists. For those who don’t have the luxury of sitting to read a lengthy book, this book summarizes important key points about feminism and makes you want to know more.

Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This product was recommended by Abby from WellPCB

The author’s friend wrote to ask her how she should raise her baby daughter to be a feminist. This book is the reply to that question. It is a book for every feminist looking to raise feminist kids. It highlights fifteen practical ways to raise a feminist kid.

Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

This product was recommended by Grace Young from House Fragrance

Audre Lorde was a fierce black lesbian feminist poet. Sister Outsider collected 15 essays and speeches from 1976 to 1984, shown she stood her ground and fought with eloquence, racism, addressing sexism, homophobia, ageism, social differences and classism. In her essay “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”, my favorite quote is “It is learning how to stand alone, unpopular and sometimes reviled, and how to make common cause with those others identified as outside the structures in order to define and seek a world in which we can all flourish. It is learning how to take our differences and make them strengths.”

The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer

This product was recommended by Sandra Henderson from LifeHacks

This book first hit the shelves in the 1970s but Greer’s impassioned, unflinching text still resonates today, decades after it first became one of the early voices in the moment to call out the traditional nuclear family as a tool of female oppression and pose sexual liberation as essential to women’s liberation.

Women, Culture, and Politics by Angela Y. Davis

This product was recommended by Natalie Maximets from Online Divorce

Davis is a veteran political activist. Her collection of speeches and essays revolve around the ways in which the conversations around sexism, racism, and economic equality shifted in the latter part of the 20th century. The author’s biting prose solidifies her place among the important feminist voices of our era.

Marlene Dietrich by Maria Riva

This product was recommended by Gina Harper from Harper’s Nurseries

I adore reading and when I’m not gardening, you can usually find me with my head in a book! When I think of women who have shaped feminism, a name that springs to mind is Marlene. The iconic Hollywood famously said I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men. To this day, women continue to be judged by the clothes they wear. Too masculine, too slutty, too plain, and so on… Marlene Dietrich broke conventions by wearing outfits considered taboo at that particular point in time. She paved the way for women to dress as they please, and let’s face it, trousers are practical-they have pockets! This hugely entertaining and informative biography, penned by Marlene’s daughter Maria Riva, provides an intimate portrait of a true legend.

The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf

This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

The most classic feminist textbook I ever have read. It is also far more accessible than I had imagined. If you’re searching for a historical introduction to the negative structures of beauty in society, this book is perfect for you. I recommend reading it and making up your own opinion, but most of the time it’s quite impartial and considers both sides of the argument. I would highly recommend this book to every feminist.

Beautiful You by Rosie Molinary

This product was recommended by Brack Nelson from Incrementors

The book is about encouraging women, whatever their size, shape, and color, to work toward feeling wonderful about themselves despite today’s media-saturated culture through a 365-day action plan. When I read, I’ve stuck with the book so far, and I’m committed enough to finish out the year. The message of Beautiful You is extremely important for women. The authors remind us we don’t need to buy into all that negative garbage to feel good about ourselves. This book will help you build your worth. I recommend everyone to read it, regardless of gender identity.

The Women’s Room By Marilyn French

This product was recommended by Kerry Lopez from Incrementors

I hadn’t even heard about this book until — and although I finally wish it had been included on my required reading lists in school, I’m glad I got it, eventually. The book reflects the personal and political transformation of Mira Ward, a woman who has spent her life engaged in a patriarchal culture (the 1950s and ‘60s America) where misogynistic social rules are so ingrained and accepted that Mira and her colleagues don’t even know they’ve been subscribing to an unfair system. But when the Women’s Rights Movement grows across the country, the social changes transform Mira’s awareness of herself and her place in the world.

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