10 Empowering Self Love Books Every Person Should Read

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Image by Claudia Berbeo from Pixabay

This article showcases our top picks for the best ‘Empowering Self Love Books’. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). 

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You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

This product was recommended by Muhammad Mateen Khan from PureVPN

In this refreshingly entertaining how-to guide, bestselling author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, serves up 27 bite-sized chapters full of hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word, helping you to: Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want, create a life you totally love. And create it NOW, Make some damn money already. The kind you’ve never made before. By the end of You Are a Badass, you’ll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can’t change, how to change what you don’t love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.

I LOVE MYSELF by Christine Scott-Hudson MA MFT

This product was recommended by Christine Scott-Hudson from Create Your Life Studio

Practice your self-love affirmations in the mirror. Say “I love you..” You are worthy of love right now, whether anyone else sees it yet, or not. Your worth is independent upon other people recognizing it. Look deeply into your own eyes, and remind yourself that you are unique and irreplaceable, and you will love yourself until the end of time!

The Art of Showing Up by Rachel Wilkerson Miller

This product was recommended by Sheyda Foroudi from Demi Lune Prints

This book is the antidote to perfectionism and FOMO. The first half is all about learning what you truly like and enjoy, gives you permission and encourages you to get comfortable enjoying your own company as well as making sure you take care of yourself first before focusing on anything else. The second half guides you in how to approach making and keeping friends in an authentic way. It is such a tremendous resource for someone looking to live a truly fulfilling life, in the way that looks for them!

Who’s Pulling Your Strings? by Harriet Braiker

This product was recommended by Cecilia Yeung from Little Discoverer

One of the best selling books of all time on self-empowerment. This book teaches you how to avoid manipulation in your professional and personal life. It shows how you may be willingly or unwillingly manipulated and how to avoid falling into that trap. After reading this book, it will give you a different perspective and empower you to be confident and not let others take advantage of you.

Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff

This product was recommended by Chelsea Kane from First Cup Morning Series

Kristin Neff takes a deep-dive into self-compassion, the ways it can drastically improve your life, and the ways that not having it can be harmful. For anyone interested in learning how to be kinder to themselves, this must-read is filled with stories and practical applications, all based in thorough research. Her tone is enjoyable and it is truly eye-opening how much your life can change when you look at it through the lens of self-compassion.

A 30-Day Guide To Your Power by Ivette Mayo

This product was recommended by Ivette Mayo from IvetteMayo

So often we find ourselves deferring our choices and desires when it comes to small things in life. When we look at the bigger picture, we defer more than we think the more important decisions too. As women, and especially as Latinas, we have been taught and expected to enable others. To ensure that we help others to succeed, be happy, and have what they need. Unfortunately, there comes with a price. We find ourselves feeling empty, unfulfilled and uncertain. Much of what we accomplish is based on the outward expectation that family, society and job descriptions create for us which binds us to roles and responsibilities that come with them. In my book, A 30 Day Guide to Your Power-Powerful Outcomes Through Powerful Words, I walk through women a journey of self discovery. To break away from these old traditional ideas and mindsets that have restricted personal growth. A renewed look at establishing a new self-truth that is representative of who you are today. It is centered on a daily POWER Ritual ” designed to create a new awareness of self. Its objective is to transform personal thoughts and disruptive messaging that we have harboured with a daily task of reaffirming ourselves with what one says, feels, thinks and ultimately what gets done! Refocusing language, thoughts, feelings and tasks on achieving personal happiness and fulfillment with a daily mantra and i-ffirmations to create a new i-ttitude.

The Gifts of Imperfection By Brené Brown

This product was recommended by Melanie Musson from CarInsuranceCompanies

In her deeply authentic and relatable memoir, Dr. Brown shares her journey to self-love. It’s not an easy process, but it’s so worth it. You are your best self and when you can realize that it’s your perceived imperfections that make you beautiful, you are empowered to live wholeheartedly. This book gives you the advice and tips that you need to begin your journey and learn to love and appreciate yourself.

I Hear You by Michael S. Sorensen

This product was recommended by Stephanie Fatta from Beauty Brite

I highly recommend this book, as it is so helpful. I loved that Sorensen gives advice on how to listen and communicate with others. As soon as I started reading, I incorporated his tips immediately. When I use his techniques, people are more open and honest.

You Can’t Ruin My Day by Allen Klein

This product was recommended by Allen Klein from AllenKlein

Often we give away our power and let other people or other things ruin our day. This book, with 52 tools, tips and techniques, will show you how to take back your power and turn obstacles into opportunities. The perfect antidote for these challenging times. “If you want more joy and less stress in your life,” says best-selling author Marci Shimoff, “this book is a great companion.”

Moving Beyond Trauma by Ilene Smith

This product was recommended by Sarah Melancon from SexToyCollective

This is an excellent book to help readers understand how past trauma gets in the way of our ability to love ourselves and create happy, fulfilling lives. With 6 scales to help readers self-rate their trauma symptoms, this book shares both the science to better understand your current situation and easy-to-use exercises to help you break free from the past and empower yourself in the present.

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