16 Powerful Books About Courage For Adults

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This article showcases our top picks for the Books About Courage For Adults. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

The Warrior’s Heart by Eric Greitens

This product was recommended by Alex Alexakis from PixelChefs

Courage is something that as men we are seen to have, but it does not come naturally and something that has to be built. I think that this book is really something else, and helps us to understand that courage cannot be possible without vulnerability, and the ability to have compassion for those around us and the world. This book is suitable to adults as it tells the real life stories of a navy seal, and what challenges they had to overcome. We all must do what we can to survive in this world, and having the right resources is the best way to. Not all of us grow up feeling brave, we have to be brave for ourselves and becuase of others. This book is something that everyone should read, it will make a great impact.’

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

This product was recommended by Eden Cheng from PeopleFinderFree

The Lord Of The Rings is an epic and empowering fantasy tale about how even the smallest person can still overcome the impossible, when they are confronted with an unstoppable adversary. In a world filled with warriors and magic, the book’s main character Frodo, who has neither magical powers, battle experience nor wealth is forced to face his fears, armed with only the determination and the support of his friends, as he seeks to defeat the forces that aim to destroy the world. It is one of the most inspirational fictional stories ever written and even the author himself Tolkien had to battle through many real-life obstacles to get this book published, after writing such a massive manuscript.

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

This product was recommended by Geninna Ariton from Trendhim

Age is just a number. Four friends pushing 80 find themselves trying to solve the murder in their otherwise peaceful retirement home. You can achieve whatever you want in life, as shown by the main characters of the book, and if that does not take courage, we don’t know what else will.

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

This product was recommended by Erika Rykun from Booklyst

This book is a must read fiction for everyone who has ever thought I wish I had courage to change that. This is an interesting book that shows us how to be more brave in our daily lives yet it teaches us that there is nothing wrong with our regrets that we haven’t been strong enough.

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

This product was recommended by Olivia Tan from CocoFax

In Daring Greatly, professor at University of Houston and motivational speaker and writer Brene Brown challenges readers to take the risk and step into the arena—whatever that may be for each person. Discover that vulnerability is not weakness, it is actually the quickest path to courage. By daring greatly and sharing our feelings and experiences, Brene writes, we find a life of meaning and common humanity.

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

This product was recommended by Axel Hernborg from Tripplo

There’s always a voice at the back of our mind telling us why to do a certain thing. And without that, you’ll be jumping from one opportunity to the next. This book encourages one to follow their dreams along with why to follow them. Hence, when you don’t dare to take a step, you can remember why you’re here and why it’s important to take it. I recommend this book to everyone who is struggling with making decisions for their life and aren’t finding the courage to go forward with it.

I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

This product was recommended by Sally Stevens from FastPeopleSearch

Malala Yousafzai’s autobiography I Am Malala tells the story of her courage in speaking up against the Taliban in Pakistan and fighting for girls’ rights to education. Narrowly surviving assassination, Malala lived to write an account of her life and has campaigned for girls and women all over the world ever since. She advocates using your voice and the pen to battle against injustice. If you feel powerless, Malala’s story will give you the willpower to carry on, no matter what happens to you.

My little epiphanies by Aisha Choudhary

This product was recommended by Smriti Tuteja from Yogic-Experience

The author of this book passed away when she was barely 18 years old. She was battling a terminal illness that she was born with. Unlike any other teenager, she had to spend most of her time in bed. An amazing artist, Aisha, started illustrating her emotions. The book became her purpose in life and was her respite from the pain and negativity. It gave her hope and helped her to deal better with her emotions. Aisha’s life was brief, but she had the courage to do what she liked, the courage to love, and the courage to inspire. With her book, Aisha wished to give hope to others facing similar hardships. She chose smiles over sorrow and expression over anonymity. The book full of gorgeous illustrations and heartwarming text is a keepsake and a lesson in courage.

Behind the Mask by Kate Walter

This product was recommended by Jennifer Maguire from Heliotrope Books

Kate Walter’s memoir Behind the Mask (Heliotrope Books) about life during the lockdown is an inspiration for how to make the most of things. As her neighborhood turned into a ghost town. Kate’s carefully constructed social life crashed. Suddenly, she was trapped at home, living in the pandemic epicenter. She took comfort watching worship services streamed every Sunday. Then the unimaginable happened. Her church burned down in a six-alarm fire. Now there literally would be no sanctuary left to return to after the pandemic – whenever that would be. Kate was lonely and scared. The isolation was hard on everyone, but for cultural creators like herself, perhaps an extra degree of hard. She melted down in lockdown. She dreamed the city was on fire. She hit the wall. But she picked herself up and called upon her resilience and spiritual practices to stay safe and get through the isolation. She turned to journaling. Writing became her salvation and gave her courage. It worked so well, Kate provides journaling prompts and blank pages at the end of Behind the Mask for others to learn how.

The Places that Scare You by Pema Chodron

This product was recommended by Alina Clark from CocoDoc

American teacher of Tibetan Buddhism Pema Chodron writes that we can let our lives make us bitter or make us better. We can hide with fear, or we can evolve into more compassionate and kind people. Awaken to the goodness in you and connect with others by accepting yourself and your imperfections.

Hold On, But Don’t Hold Still by Kristina Kuzmic

This product was recommended by Dianne Birtley from Car Gear Guru

Hold On, But Don’t Hold Still: Hope and Humour from My Seriously Flawed Life, written by Kristina Kuzmic, is a book about her life struggles, and how she has transformed her thought process and evolved her life from that of a struggling, broke single parent to one of success and thankfulness. Kristina offers realism along with humour that helps those who need bravery to carry on. Great for parents of all ages, with kids of all ages or for those who aren’t parents but are struggling and need some guidance, inspiration and laughs. What makes Kristina special is that she is authentic in her storytelling and shares the gritty truth about her life, helping readers recognize that there’s a way out of the tough parts that can lead to a more fulfilling life. This isn’t a book that offers just inspiration but it goes into depth about how to move on from the difficult things that life will throw our way.

Courage to Soar by Michelle Burford

This product was recommended by Harriet Chan from CocoFinder

In this book, you can find the autobiography of a gymnastic athlete Simone Biles. She has won the Olympics four times, and her performance is in the record for excellence. The content encourages the adults to view the positive side of life and tackle the challenges skillfully. To achieve big, you must travel the struggles and handle them optimally for successful outcomes. Efforts play a vital role in every individual’s victory stories. To put effort again after many failures requires a courageous mind, and this book conveys the importance of this quality for adults to live a life beyond limitations.

Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously by Osho

This product was recommended by Steven Duncan from Ball Are Life

Perhaps one of the foremost books which discusses courage and the facing of obstacles, particularly for adults, is Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously. Written by Osho, who was named by The Sunday Times of London as one of the ‘1,000 Makers of the Twentieth Century,’ he describes courage not as the absence of fear, but rather the willingness to live within it and to face it fully. And in this book, Osho discusses how the presence of fear, through change, obstacles, and circumstance, should be celebrated rather than avoided. Taking a bird’s eye view, Osho intimately discusses how these changes, and the fears they bring on, can open a wide-range of opportunities, adventures, and understanding for both ourselves and how we see the world. If you are going through changes, if you are facing uncertainty, or if you simply feel lost, then Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously will illuminate your path and help you to feel more at ease in your life. Highly recommended and one of the best books on courage that we have ever read.

My Unexpected Life by Martina Clark

This product was recommended by Martina Clark from MartinaClark

In 1992, at 28, Clark was told she had HIV and five years to live. She dove into the deep end of activism and wound up taking on the United Nations from within, navigating the squishy underbelly of that beast to help ensure the personnel living with HIV received adequate care and that others were educated so that the organization practiced what they preach. 30 years later, she’s lived long enough to be infected with her second life-threatening disease, COVID-19. With humor, courage, and determination, her’s is a journey that travels the world and interweaves these two global pandemics so we can learn from the past as we make sense of our present. In My Unexpected Life Clark shows us resilience, resourcefulness, and a lot of unexpected twists.

Living through Choice by Kristine Ovsepian

This product was recommended by L.J. Williamson from Newsroom PR

In Living through Choice, gifted spiritual counselor and hypnotherapist Kristine Ovsepian, MA, C.Ht., shares simple yet powerful tools to reunite you with your authentic self, and guides you to understand how your past influences your present, how to overcome stress, anxiety, and depression, banish anger and resentment to forgive yourself and others, overcome addictions and other illnesses, and manifest spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Your mind is a powerful tool for healing, and you can learn to use it to transform pain and suffering into love, health, and prosperity, Ovsepian says. All you need is a willingness to find healing on all levels, and a guide to show you the way there.

TranscenDANCE by Melissa Drake

This product was recommended by Melissa Drake from Uncorped Influence

TranscenDANCE was written by a woman who courageously changed her life by allowing the Universe to lead her dance with life. After spending years in bed and being heavily medicated for major depressive disorder, this book details the courageous actions she took to not only get out of bed and start dancing, but to move across the country and pursue her dreams. The narrative is full of faith, great tunes, and chapter by chapter exercises to help you get courageous and dance with life.

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