25 Inspiring Books About Making Changes in Your Life

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This article showcases our top picks for the Books About Making Changes In Your Life. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

The New Old Me by Meredith Maran

This product was recommended by Jim Peterson from My Speech Class

Maran describes her journey as she moves from her old life as a freelance writer in San Francisco to securing a 9-to-5 job in Los Angeles. Her story shows that no matter what age you are or circumstances you’re under, change and success are always doable.

What’s Next by Kerry Hannon

This product was recommended by Jim Peterson from My Speech Class

Aimed at mid-career professionals, the book outlines a roadmap for anyone feeling stuck and looking to chase their dreams and find the life they always imagined.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

This product was recommended by Jim Peterson from My Speech Class

A cultural and social satire, the adventures take through the growing up years and minds of young boys and show how we become who we are.

The Buddha Said by Osho

This product was recommended by Jim Peterson from My Speech Class

Divided into twenty-two chapters and filled with hilarious anecdotes, the book talks about why humans are always worried, how we can connect with ourselves and the universe, how to be happy, how to manage our thoughts, the meaning of meditation and mindfulness, and what to run after, what to ignore, and how to do it.

Pivot by Adam Markel

This product was recommended by Jim Peterson from My Speech Class

In the book, Markel asks readers: What would you do in your life if you knew you could not fail? Then, Markel helps lay out a roadmap to help you achieve your dreams without putting your finances or future at risk.

Darkness Was My Candle by Lora DeVore

This product was recommended by Michelle from LoraDevoe

In her new book, Darkness Was My Light, Lora tells us about revisiting the grounds of the Illinois state mental hospital where she was once kept in inhumane, degrading, and life-threatening circumstances. This profound and compelling memoir traces her life as a survivor of child abuse, sex trafficking, illegal pharmacological drug research, and institutional abuse. Having experienced such horrifying and traumatic events, how did she survive? Lora has witnessed how stories shift consciousness around the world. She is a writer and catalyst for transformational change for both individuals and systems.

RISE & THRIVE by Lisa Blackshaw

This product was recommended by Lisa Blackshaw from Rise & Thrive

If you want to learn to live in the moment and greet each day with positivity, this is the ideal guide for you! Wake up to Rise & Thrive with this simple yet successful morning routine! Rise & Thrive is an ethos to live by – an ideology built around reflecting on motivational thoughts and channelling the significance of the carefully selected quotes. Rise & Thrive was written to help optimise your morning routine. By focusing on the uplifting words of wisdom, it encourages you to set your intentions, create good habits whilst eradicating bad habits and make beneficial lifestyle choices. Find motivation and become more present by reading Rise & Thrive daily, to manifest a positive mindset which will lead you to flourish and prosper.

Way of The Wolf by Jordan Belfort

This product was recommended by Tim Connon from ParamountQuote Insurance Advisors

I am suggesting this book because it is a story about a man who lost his way but found himself again by making changes in his life. It took rock bottom to get there but he pulled himself back up and became successful all over again and now shares it with the world.

Why Not Ask? by Christine McKay

This product was recommended by Jennifer L Horspool from EngagementPR

Change starts with awareness for the need to change followed by the decision to make a change. In Why Not Ask: A Conversation About Getting More, author Christine McKay challenges readers to get real with yourself to understand what you ACTUALLY want out of every negotiation, then she shows you how to get curious in doing the research to come to the negotiation feeling empowered so that you have the confidence to ask for more of what you want. Negotiation happens in every area of our lives, business, family, conversations with our spouses, kids, colleagues, vendors, you name it. And most of us don’t ask for what we want because we fear we won’t get it. We talk ourselves out of getting what we want before we even bother to find out what’s possible. In the book, she mentions, The toughest negotiations happen between our ears. Boy is that true. She even takes us down her personal story of living in the back of her car as a pregnant 19 year old, to a married mother of three living on welfare and how she negotiated a better life for herself by setting her sights on going to Harvard University. It took her 11 years but she made it – because she finally chose herself and created a path to success – all of which she teaches in this brilliant, quick read, insightful book.

The Life Plan by Shannah Kennedy

This product was recommended by Brennah Hale from Beyond Words Publishing

With more than twenty years of experience as a professionally certified life coach in Australia, Shannah Kennedy lays out her recommended approach to life in The Life Plan, an easy-to-follow guide that helps readers build their confidence, declutter their lives, form strategic habits, envision their potential, prioritize their goals, and make their dreams a reality.

Love Is an Action Verb by Laura Silverstein

This product was recommended by Laura Silverstein from LauraSilverstein

Silverstein’s fresh new relationship self-help book will teach you how to live your best relationship. Instead of trying to change your partner, this handy guide teaches you how you can improve your relationship on your own. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a partner who is equally as passionate about self-growth, (and let’s be honest, few of us are), you still both have to do your own work in your own lane. Silverstein is a highly trained and experienced, certified couples therapist known for her positive and action-oriented style. Love Is an Action Verb will change your life, one page at a time.

Fearless by Max Lucado

This product was recommended by Rei Garnet from Bunnyhorde

This book is special to me. This is the book that helps me overcome some of my deepest fear. This book will teach you how to overcome your worries and find peace. The author does a great job of explaining what fearlessness really means and what it means to overcome it.

Circuit Train Your Brain by Molly M. Cantrell-Kraig

This product was recommended by Molly M. Cantrell-Kraig from MollyM.Cantrell-Kraig

Resilience is the hallmark of achievers in any industry, field, or discipline. Bouncing back from failure, heartbreak, or life’s curveballs can be difficult for some; but it is a trait that can be developed with time and practice. These bite-size daily exercises are designed to train your resilience muscles so that you can change your outlook and change your life for good.

Make Time by Jake Knapp

This product was recommended by Ravi Davda from Rockstar Marketing

Most people, including myself, think that we’re too busy and we’re always exhausted. This is our own fault, however. We cram our work days with pointless meetings and spend our free time on social media or Netflix. Just over 12 months ago, I was going through a tough time as a business owner and wanted some more time to do the things I love – exercise, travel, see things, and spend quality time with my wife. This book helped with exactly this. It’s a must read.

Choose Your Story, Change Your Life by Kindra Hall

This product was recommended by Lynda Fairly from Numlooker

The book inspires you to take control of your own story and guide you to meet several opportunities that are waiting for an inspiring individual who has framed different goals to achieve but is unable to do so due to the uncertainty in which the individual has got involved and is not able to get out of it. The book has succeeded to inspire a lot and made many individuals successful humans by providing a bunch of great guidance.

Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel

This product was recommended by Lynda Fairly from Numlooker

The book helps you to combat the negativity that is going on in your mind. It provides you with some positive vibes that help you to reduce or end the negative thoughts around you. The book changes your life that is full of desperation and changes the way you think that is responsible for the life you’re currently having. The book is very useful and gives you different options to choose the perfect subject on which you desire to take your life.

Edgy Conversations by Dan Waldschmidt

This product was recommended by Kidyba Iryna from foxoffers

This not-so-long book can do what we often can’t do ourselves, which is to give us a good kick in the pants. Dan states, in a straightforward way, that if you don’t try, don’t work on yourself, you will remain a mediocre person, just a piece of gray mass. Tough? Pretty harsh. But we need it! We need to hear that Success is not what you do, but what you are. This book is the best incentive to develop! Dan is ruthless not only to us, but to himself as well. He tells his life story honestly so we can learn from his mistakes, too. In addition to the astoundingly motivating thoughts, in addition to the impetus for action, each chapter of the book has a real story about a real person who was able to go beyond mediocrity. These stories are about athletes, about military men, about entrepreneurs, but most importantly, they are about ordinary people who were sometimes more persistent than others, sometimes more courageous. It all helps to believe in yourself, too! Dan talks about the very important components of success, and it’s not an outward show, but what’s going on inside. What needs to be overcome, what needs to be emphasized. Be the Best Version of Yourself is a book with an amazingly powerful energy message. It’s almost impossible not to listen!

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This product was recommended by Richard Foote from Guitarist 101

My favorite book about making changes in your life is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. It’s a holy grail of life-changing advice. My favorite point from the book is that it’s often easy to blame others or circumstances for the problems we face. Covey reminds us that we are responsible for taking action over these circumstances. No one else will, because they have their own problems to deal with – their own worries and concerns. This is important in the workplace – do you want to be a radiator or a drain? The person who brings problems or suggests solutions?

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This product was recommended by Sally Stevens from FastPeopleSearch

This is literally where it all began, my story intertwined so thoroughly with that of the young sheepherder that I was mesmerized and unable to put it down. If you look through my purchase list you will see I didn’t stop here – I became obsessed with Paulo Coelho’s work and have purchased almost all of his writings. This is my go to gift for all friends, acquaintances, and family members.

Life Leverage by Rob Moore

This product was recommended by Stephen Curry from CocoSign

This book illustrates the philosophy of Life leverage and helps you understand how to live a meaningful life and get more done in less time. This book merges work and free time and guides you on balancing this aspect to living an inspired life. Life Leverage doesn’t end with relaxing on a beach after work, freedom, or balance. It allows you to feel that moment-to-moment, or whatever that end goal is to you, merging your interests with your profession and your vocation with your vacation.

Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg

This product was recommended by Stephen Curry from CocoSign

Living a meaningful life is not just a matter of willpower but also being more healthy and productive through our tiny habits. Based on research and his experience BJ Fogg explains steps to change our lives for greatness, one tiny habit at a time. This book will assist you in cracking the code of habit formation, which entails; Focusing on what is easy to change and not what is hard, focusing on what you want to do, not what you should do. Tiny habits is an excellent recommendation guide that will assist you in creating a happier and more leisurely life.

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

This product was recommended by Jonathan Tian from Mobitrix

This memoir narrates Kalanithi’s transformation from a naive medical student into a neurosurgeon diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. It’s a story of how he was a doctor treating the dying one day and the next he was a patient struggling to live. In this guide, Kalanithi wrestles with some questions concerning life, like, what makes life worth living in the face of death? He may have died in 2015, but this book is an unforgettable, life-affirming reflection on the challenges of facing death and making changes in your life.

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom

This product was recommended by Jonathan Tian from Mobitrix

Just like Mitch illustrates in this book, we have at some point lost track of sound advice from people we looked up to as the mentors that helped us make our way through life. The insights offered faded, and the world seemed colder. Again, we would all like to see that person ask the big daunting questions and wisdom to navigate our busy lives today. Well, Mitch Albom had that second chance and rediscovered Morrie. In this guide, he takes you through the old man’s final “class” of lessons in how to live. Tuesdays with Morrie is a magical chronicle of their time together and teaches us all about living robustly and fully.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

This product was recommended by Darren Hazan from DarrenHazan

It is invaluable and beyond important for anyone to read. Whether you are starting a business, trying to get fit or even trying to stop smoking. This book taps into the way we form habits subconsciously and how they ultimately end up ruling our lives. By understanding how these habits develop, we can then go about creating new, positive habits. Despite what you might assume, none of these takes a huge effort. It is just lots of micro-changes that amount to monumental changes over time. A book that has such power to make changes to your life with such small easy to follow steps has to be considered as one, if not the, most life-changing books.

Mindset by Carol S. Dweck

This product was recommended by Nikita Verma from PurpleCrest Management Consulting

This book opens the mind. The book is an excellent exploration of what it takes to excel at anything. It involves moving away from ideas of I’m great/terrible and towards the idea of I can improve no matter where I am.. Dweck points out people view the world from only two fundamental perspectives: fixed and growth. Fixed mentality believes we are born as we are born, and there is no growing, IQ and natural talent determine all success. Our growth orientation believes that we can always learn, rise above our challenges, try again, and gain something along the way. Carol covers all that and more in five areas of life: relationships, parenting, teaching, business, and sports. I highly recommend this book!

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