25 Inspiring Books About Reaching Goals

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Photo by RODNAE Productions
This article showcases our top picks for the Books About Reaching Goals. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Creating Your Best Life by Caroline Adams Miller

This product was recommended by Alina Clark from CocoDoc

This is one of my favorite all-time books and I am only a third of the way through it. WARNING it is a simple book that’s easy to read. But it’s also a book that challenges you to make big changes in your life and think. It excites people who aren’t avid readers as well as people who are. It’s a game changer, if you actually take it seriously and do the exercises in the book. It’s more of an activity book than a novel.

The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

This product was recommended by Rithy Thul from Selendra Blockchain

This book brings a fresh mindset for those individuals who want to set their goals. It motivates you to focus on your inner desires and let them reflect on your outer goals. This is more than setting up lists of goals you want to accomplish but more of harnessing your deeper desire to be happy which most of the time is the reason for some prestigious and successful people.

Hard Goals by Mark Murphy

This product was recommended by Sharon Winton from GoMontana

People said when you work so hard to achieve something it is more fulfilling than achieving something higher but achieving it easily. A book by Mark Murphy, an author in New York Times and contributor in organizational leadership and employee engagement, reflects this thought the same way. If you want to achieve goals that challenge and stretch you, this book is for you. This will motivate you to love your hardships as you strive for your goal.

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

This product was recommended by Dan Voelker from Aquion Energy

This is definitely one of those ‘change your lives’ books, it will get you moving and achieving. To top it off, it’s a simple 4 step process, once you figure out what you want; 1. Step 1: create a plan, 2. Step 2: stick to plan, 3. Step 3: Review & revise based on what’s working and what isn’t 4. Step 4: Repeat the first 3 steps till you reach your goal.

The Achievement Habit by Bernard Roth

This product was recommended by Chris M. Walker from Superstar SEO

This book is written by an author who co-founded Stanford Business School, Bernard Roth. This is a great book that tackles how small steps turned into habits that could help you achieve your great goals. Furthermore, it helps us understand the power for positive change like doing instead of trying, from thinking about excuses to believing that you are a doer and you can achieve it, no excuse, and lastly, focusing on what you did than what you accomplished, after all, what matters is you did your best.

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

This product was recommended by Ruhul Amin from SprayerMag

This book was created to help people live more fulfilling and peaceful lives while pursuing and achieving goals in life. While positivity alone is not happiness-creating, an optimistic mindset allows the brain to expand and develop. This book provides some tips on how to develop a positive mindset and has influenced many famous people, including several past presidents. The SMART goal concept is significant work on setting and achieving goals. It is a solid framework to create and achieve any kind of goal.

Goals By Zig Ziglar

This product was recommended by Alexander Burgemeester from The Narcissistic Life

This is the perfect book to read if you want to find out how to set and reach your own goals. It explores the main reasons why people don’t set goals, before explaining exactly how you can set your own goals. Ziglar’s attitude is that ‘A goal properly set is halfway reached,’ and this is something that you can explore through the thought provoking stories and funny one-liners in this book.

Coach Yourself to Success by Talane Miedaner

This product was recommended by Andrew Steninmann from Inkablelabel

‘Coach yourself to success’ has 101 tips on how you will become successful in life. It will give guidelines on how you should decide in your life without having a great cost. You don’t need to consult a professional adviser to seek advice to make you successful. Many of the tips are about your basic principle in life like don’t do something that does not bring joy to you. It is divided into 10 categories of tips.

Deep Work by Cal Newport

This product was recommended by Harry Jackson from WhippedCreamSounds

In an ever distracting world, reaching your goals isn’t always about setting them. With the introduction of social media, smartphones and constant connection, it can be difficult to really disconnect and get the meaningful work done, that will take you further in your job, business, or life goals. In reality, it’s not all about the number of hours you work, but rather the output of that work. And, in many studies it’s been proven, the average worker is only productive for 3 hours a day. In Deep Work, you’ll learn how to maximize your working hours so that you can produce the same results you usually get working for 8, in 2. For instance – have you ever had one of those days where you got everything you needed to do, done in 2-4hrs? That was no mistake. And, there’s a repeatable process that can get you in that flow zone every day. In Deep Work by, Cal Newport, you’ll learn exactly how you can get into the state of flow in your work, and make your to-do list feel like a breeze. He’ll teach you why Deep Work is important, and run you through techniques you can use to get into those states, without leaving it to chance. This guarantees that you will be doing meaningful work towards your goals every day, rather than procrastinating, or tackling the unimportant tasks that make you feel productive, but really get you nowhere (like checking emails). Having goals is great, and working hard towards them is good too. But why not work efficiently? If you want to create better results, and more freedom in your life, it’s about the output of the work, not the hours put in. Deep Work helps you reach your goals while giving you time to spend with your family, read books, go to the gym, cook yourself nice food and in general, just enjoy life more. Deep Work changed our life, and we want it to change yours too. Long gone are the days of working 12hrs to get everything done in our business. Now we engage in deep work for 4 hours and spend more time doing the things we love, while getting better results. Crazy right? Join the Deep Work revolution, and realise the benefits for yourself!

Start the Journey to Achieving Your Goals By Samuel Harvell

This product was recommended by Shannon Bernadin from The African Garden

If you have had enough of letting your goals slip through your fingers, then this is the book for you. It allows you to figure out how you can overcome any obstacle or set back that may make your goals seem unreachable, and it teaches you how to change your mindset to get you back on track. Reading this book will allow you to discover the path that will take you to achieve your goals, one step at a time.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

Everyone wants to live a life of success and accomplishments, but most people don’t know where to begin. The Magic of Thinking Big explains why believing in oneself is essential for success and how we can all achieve the dreams we’ve always had. Simply believing you can succeed will shift your mental power to assist you in completing the task. You’ll become an inspiration to others, and they’ll start to believe in you as well. Believing in yourself entails letting go of negative thoughts and begin to think and act positively every day.

Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

This product was recommended by Olivia Tan from CocoFax

Michael Hyatt creates a clear, research-based approach to finding purpose and setting meaningful goals. Whether it’s a personal, relationship, business, or financial goal; Hyatt’s field-tested results help people overcome their day-to-day struggles to reach their full potential. I recommend this book because it helps to envision the reader’s best year ever, even setting up ways to get unstuck and “quit proof” the goals.

Rock Your Midlife by Ellen Albertson

This product was recommended by Ellen Albertson from The Midlife Whisperer

The book is inspiring, motivational and action-oriented. It draws on efficacious tools from the fields of positive psychology and coaching to empower people to change their habits and patterns and reach their goals. Plus, the book provides dozens of ways to get unstuck so you can reach your goals.

Nine Things Successful People Do Differently By Heidi Grant Halvorson

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

Heidi Grant Halvorson, a social psychologist, and motivation expert, studies why some people give up while others persevere. She believes anyone can achieve their goals using scientifically proven methods. In this book, Heidi presents studies showing that people who anticipate obstacles and use positive thinking and a plan to persevere outperform those who dream about the desired outcome.

The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon

This product was recommended by Geninna Ariton from Trendhim

Shay Goldstein has always dreamed of working in Public Radio but not as a producer, she wants to host her own show. She finally gets her chance at this lifelong goal, but the odds seem to be against her. This is a story about reaching goals and knowing when you made the right decision or not.

Empath to Self Love by Arlo J Lorenz

This product was recommended by Arlo Lorenz from FeltIt InMyHeart Press

Arlo Lorenz in a survivor, thriver, poet and the Author of Empath to Self Love. Arlo has produced a lifetime of writing, starting with poetry that helped him through a childhood disability, depression and subsequent dependency. Arlo survived, learned the hard way, and earned sobriety over self-induced and medical dependency, pulling himself up through swimming as an endurance athlete. His story is featured within his Autobiography Saved with Honu. Upon his love of writing he’s also published five children’s books on a ‘buy one give one’ model with a goal of defeating illiteracy for at risk youth. In an effort to better himself and secure the skills and ability to write and survive, Arlo earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s degree in Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources, and founded FeltIt InMyHeart Press. Arlo self describes his writing as; “I write what I need to hear, regardless of if I’m ready to realize the message myself. This is the foundation of my poetry, and has become the basis of my conversational writing style”.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

This product was recommended by Milan Mitrović from Witty Companion

Out of all the books related to goal-setting, James Clear’s Atomic Habits has to take the number one spot. It is an incredible resource covering several areas of self-development in-depth while still tying them all together towards one goal: build and maintain habits to achieve goals. It puts more focus on how we can achieve our goals, rather than goal-setting itself, which seems to be the focal point of many books about goals. If you are looking for a single resource which will help you make the most significant difference in your life, this is the book to pick up.

Mandala and the Butterfly by Ginnymarie M. Leines

This product was recommended by Meghan Bowman from LAVIDGE

Mandala and the Butterfly by Ginnymarie M. Leines and Ruth M. Godfrey shares real-life stories of success and determination to demonstrate the limitless possibilities that await those who reach for them. As coaches, Leines and Godfrey understand that there are many obstacles preventing people from acting on their ambitions. Each section of the book is dedicated to a specific area of concern, from knowing when it’s the right time to pursue a dream and finding a support system to dealing with unexpected detours and healing internal blockages. Personal vignettes and reflective questions accompany each section to demonstrate the concepts in action and prompt deeper consideration about how they apply to one’s own life.

Be Water, My Friend by Shannon Lee

This product was recommended by Velin Dragoev from Keen Fighter

Everyone knows Bruce Lee for revolutionizing the world of cinema not only with his ground-breaking action scenes, and with opening Hollywood’s doors to the grossly underrepresented Asian community at the time. However, few people know that his philosophical teachings – derived from martial arts – were a metaphor for living a fully realized life. In this book his daughter – Shannon Lee – breaks down his teachings for a modern us – the people who live in a progressive world, and are looking for self-improvement on the way to reaching our goals.

Do Less by Kate Northrup

This product was recommended by Kate Brenton from K.A.Brenton, LLC

Why now? Because conventional structures have changed in our lifestyle and work place, yet we can greatly benefit from planning in accordance with our practical avaiability and cycles of energy.

The 10x Rule by Grant Cardone

This product was recommended by Ludovic Chung-Sao from ZenSoundProof

This book is a goldmine of information to find success in whatever project you undertake. This helps to understand how essential it is to take massive actions to reach your goals. Cardone illustrates, through his journey, that reaching goals can never happen with an ordinary level of commitment. Ordinary commitment will give out ordinary results. His crazy voice will echo in your head and help you anchor your goals in your mind. Whenever I lose motivation, I have some lines of this book resonating in my head. Read this book, and you’ll never freaking stop from hustling.

Relentless by Tim S. Grover

This product was recommended by Ryan Yount from LuckLuckGo

Am suggesting this book because it entails key factors it takes to be unstoppable and achieve your goals. Tim Grover is honest, direct, and blunt, making his work thrilling to read and understand. This book shows you how to trust your instincts, how to control and adapt to any situation, how to find your opponent’s weakness and attack. Dealing and thriving under pressure is also looked into making this book a good read for people who want to achieve their goals.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This product was recommended by Brent Hale from Tech Guided

Think and Grow Rich, a classic in the entrepreneurial world, aims to guide readers on how to set goals, and the path to realizing them. It brings forward various aspects and determinants in the journey to success. Highlighting the power of manifesting, it focuses on the potential self-belief holds. It helps one in being self-aware and the correct technique of manifestation. His path to what you want, boils down to what you must desire, believe, act, and persist. With timeless information and wise advice, this book is a cent-percent recommendation.

A Few Wise Words by Peter Mukherjee

This product was recommended by Aled Nelmes from Lumen SEO

It’s simply a guide to life from some of the biggest goal achievers in the world. Contributors to the book include the likes of Sir Ben Ainsle (greatest olympic sailor of all time), Zac Brown (CEO of McLaren Racing) and Joanna Lumley (multi BAFTA award winning actor) – who cover both sporting and career goals. That’s what makes this book applicable to anyone who wants to leave their mark on the world in their own unique way and achieve amazing things. You simply can’t pick this book up for 5 minutes and not leave feeling inspired.

The One thing by Gary Keller

This product was recommended by Richard Lubicky from RealPeopleSearch

One of the biggest challenges in the accomplishment of your goals is not being focused enough to achieve a particular goal and this book weighs on the intense focus you’ll need to achieve that goal. You see great success comes from great focus and this book will teach you exactly how to build that intense focus. Another reason why I love this book is that it explains the different spheres of focusing. Be it focusing on our resources, focusing on our actions or our strategies, every aspect is completely covered in this book.

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