5 Enlightening Feminist Books On Sexuality

4 mins read
Photo by oakie on Unsplash

We have all been done a great disservice in terms of sexual education. Most people learned from biased and intentionally misleading sources that had nothing to do with teachingthe real truth about sex. To say it’s tragic is to put it mildly.

But, fortunately, feminism exists and it’s here to render obsolete many of our outdated and, admittedly, hard-to-let-go-of beliefs about sexuality. Learning about this might be a bit of a shock at first since you are likely to be baffled by how much wrong you’ve been taught. But believe me, it’s all worth it because the best feminist books on sexuality will open your mind in ways you never thought of.

#1 Abuse to Abundance by Jay Diamond

This international best seller BEST SELLER will help you will powerfully transform limiting beliefs and behaviours that have held you back from living an abundant life.

Emotional, physical, and sexual abuse is rarely talked about openly and so on our healing journey we are often left desperately seeking answers to the question: Can I heal? The answer is yes, you can. Jay uses her experience as an abuse survivor with a dark family history alongside 20 years experience as a healer; to teach you how to set your internal GPS to an abundant life.

You can break the chains of the past. Using non traditional methods and embracing taboos, prepare to claim back your mind, body and soul. Because abundance is your birthright.

Jay Diamond is a 2x international best selling author and a love and intimacy coach who helps singles and couples find love, have better sex + live anabundant life. As a personal development expert she helps her clients turn pain into power and stand on top of their story, not underneath it. Her superpower is helping abuse survivors.

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#2 Working My Way Back To Me by April Kirkwood

Inspired by the plight of a woman who shares WHY her MeToo happened, her broken relationship with a star, and how she managed to rise from the ashes and help others in light of the movement. A little girl born into a dysfunctional lower middle class family filled with addiction, molestation, and adultery now is beginning conversations about what happens after we realize our life is a mess. A beacon of light for healing: Why Women Let Men Use them and the Solution to Fixing it?

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#3 Intersex (For Lack of a Better Word) by Thea Hillman

This book delves into first hand experience of a person in the Intersex community. This book shows the vulnerable and true realities of a person who is Intersex. It talks about gender and sexuality, and helps readers understand the truth of an actual person rather than an idea or term. Hillman’s writing is honest and unapologetic.

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#4 Living An Orgasmic Life by Xanet Pailet

This book, already a bestseller on Amazon in three categories, including men’s sexual health and sacred sexuality, is filled with lessons and practical exercises that can take your sex life from non-existent or mediocre to orgasmic bliss. Book was released August 2018 from Mango Publishing and has advice aimed at singles and couples, men and women, and people of all ages, from millennials to older adults.

Author Xanet hopes that her book will bring encouragement to those who have survived traumas including rape, sexual assault, surgery and illness, and will reawaken the excitement for those who, like herself at one time, find themselves in long-term relationships where the passion has dissipated. There’s also plenty within her pages for those who are dealing with ‘regular life stuff’ and want to have deeper, more mindful intimacy.

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#5 Want: 8 Steps to Recovering Desire, Passion, and Pleasure After Sexual Assault

We know, increasingly, how common and devastating sexual violence is for women, but we don’t always talk about how survivors can recover from the trauma and return to desire, sexuality, trust, and pleasure. Want is the story of how Julie Peters did just that―and how you can, too. In the years after the assault, Julie was in what she calls the fog of trauma: the colorless, tasteless experience of barely getting through the day.

No one―not counsellors, support groups, or other survivors―could give her any advice about how to find the desire that could bring her back to joy, intimacy, and connection, so she had to make it up on her own. In Want, a genuine, vulnerable, and accessible account, Julie tells the story of getting from the devastation of trauma to living a full life in eight sometimes challenging, often bumbling, and occasionally totally delightful steps.

Survivors of assault, if you’ve been thinking to yourself, I thought it was just me, Julie is here to show you that you are not alone. Your loved ones may not know how to support you, but they can learn more about your experiences and how to walk alongside you through this book, just as you can learn how to recover from the trauma you’ve experienced. Want offers a window into one person’s experience of recovery―and the happy ending we all need to know is possible after trauma.

Prices across many e-commerce websites may vary, be sure to compare to get the best deal:

Contributors to this article
Jay Diamond from JayDiamond

Katherine Fleischman from April Kirkwood

Cait Simpson from Gateway City Arts

Xanet Pailet from Power Of Pleasure

Brenda Knight from Mango Publishing

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