These 8 books are a great option if you would like to introduce your toddler to differing gender identities. They could be excellent to support a child that may be unsure about their gender identity, or as an aid to parents to help explain this nuanced topic to young children.
I am Jazz by Jessica Herthel
This product was recommended by Stefanie Lesser from Hope & Love Radio
From the time Jazz was two, she knew that she had a girl’s brain in a boy’s body. She loved dressing girls clothes as this felt comfortable to her. Family took her to doctor and discovered that she was trans.
Lulu is a Rhinoceros by Jason Flom
This product was recommended by Shakti Hakim from hey_teacha
This vibrant picture book tackles what can be a complicated topic in a fun, child friendly and accessible way. It’s geared towards pre-school aged children through third grade and can be a great way to encourage tolerance.
I’m Not a Girl by Maddox Lyons
This product was recommended by Usama Mushtaq from Angel Jackets

Based on a true transgender identity journey, the picture book I’m Not a Girl is an empowering story from writers Maddox Lyons and Jessica Verdi about a boy who is determined to be himself, illustrated by Dana Simpson.
Bunnybear by Andrea J. Loney
This product was recommended by Stefanie Juliano from Stefanie Juliano Therapy, LLC
Bunnybear was born a bear but didn’t feel like a bear-bunnybear felt like a bunny and was searching for others that understood
Introducing Teddy by Jessica Walton
This product was recommended by Stefanie Juliano from Stefanie Juliano Therapy, LLC
Teddy knows in her heart she is a girl teddy and not a boy teddy and tells her best friend accepts her just as she is.
They, She, He easy as ABC by Maya + Matthew
This product was recommended by Stefanie Juliano from Stefanie Juliano Therapy, LLC

A different way to see the abc’s with inclusive pronouns
Julián Is a Mermaid By Jessica Love
This product was recommended by Stefanie Juliano from Stefanie Juliano Therapy, LLC

Julián sees women dressed beautifully and desires to dress that way-they are concerned about how abuela will react
It Feels Good to Be Yourself by Theresa Thorn
This product was recommended by Stefanie Juliano from Stefanie Juliano Therapy, LLC
Basic concepts teach some people are bots, some are girls, some may be both, some may be neither.