Being an International Student: Risks, Benefits, Challenges

4 mins read
Image by kirkandmimi from Pixabay

Going abroad to study or work is an amazing experience. It can bring people new knowledge, change their views, and mindsets. Yet, what should an international student expect from the trip? Is there anything to be afraid of? Of course there is. You need to understand that you must in any case that you must not fall behind in your studies. So you need to think through your plan in detail, even perhaps you should use the writing services. This service will help you write your essays.

In this article, let’s discuss the risks, challenges, and benefits of studying in another country.


Risks of Studying Abroad

Getting Sick

Going from country to country, moreover, moving somewhere to study is scary because one may catch some local disease or a new virus. Be it a coronavirus that’s raging in China right now or something well-known like measles, it can be hard to combat. At the very least, new health insurance might not work best in another country.

Any international student needs:

  • First and foremost, a passport! (You can get affordable passport photos calgary at Photo Studio Calgary);
  • To invest in good health insurance along with the visa;
  • To have some additional money to spend in case of getting sick;
  • To stop overthinking after catching a cold or a runny nose.

If you are unfortunate to get ill, but still have to deal with studying and assignments, feel free to turn to some outside help. For instance, is an academic help platform, which provides useful tips on writing essays and homework. Have such an option as an emergency back-up to catch up with your groupmates.

Violation and Crime

One may encounter something simple, like theft of a phone or wallet, or even get into bigger trouble. Any traveler should do the most to keep themselves safe:

  • A newcomer-student needs to ask others about places to avoid;
  • Keep pockets closed, and money, phone, and keys hidden;
  • It’s not safe to show a big amount of money in public;
  • A foreigner should walk home on bright-lit streets and passes;
  • Avoid walking alone or with strangers – better take a taxi and use credible apps for that.

These preventative measures will diminish your chances of running into trouble. Yet, don’t get too anxious about it, common sense and a moderate caution are enough. Just before every trip, you need to pay attention to comments, for example, Before the trip, you will already understand what awaits you.

Different Views and Values

What is the most unusual reason to be a little afraid of as an international student? Different cultures bring different views and values. At the same time, this point can be the reason for arguments and even fights between students. Religious views, skin color, even appearance, can be the cause of discrimination.

To avoid such pitfalls, take your time to learn essential information about your target country and think ahead about the dos and don’ts during your stay there. In case there are some cultural issues, which don’t coincide with your views, it would be a good idea to consider another country to go to.

Depression and Anxiety

One of the biggest risks of being an international student is feeling sad and lonely. For a young adult or a teenager traveling to spend more than a year in a different country, it can be a rather traumatizing experience.

People who find it hard to make new friends can be completely alone for some time. These circumstances can bring the same feelings of being lost.

Feeling isolated can bring to a depressive episode or even depression itself. If you’re struggling to make friends, you can use some ways to make it less challenging. For example, taking up a hobby or doing sports would be good options. This way, you do what you enjoy and meet new people who have common interests with you.

Challenges to Overcome

The “Culture Shock” Phase

While traveling to a foreign country, some think it’s all fun and entertaining. New friends, studying, maybe even a romantic relationship, what could be better? Yet, there is much more to it like odd food, different culture, and language for a foreigner to deal with. So, culture shock is one of the biggest challenge factors.

Yet, try to make the best of it, as it is a unique and genuine experience, which you can’t get elsewhere. This is your chance to learn something new, challenge your worldview, and grow as a person.


Some come to other countries for the pure journey and want to seek new places, people, experience. There are people who start spending money thoughtlessly. International students need to stick to a certain budget, just like you would do at home.

Not everyone understands that from the beginning, and they start to spend way too much. When this realization hits, you can try to find a part-time job. For example, teach English.

Finding Benefits


Surely, a huge pro to going to study abroad is traveling! Seeing the world is one of the best benefits of getting a degree in a new place.

Not only that is an opportunity to see beautiful places, but also to socialize, get to know fun facts about a new culture, and try exotic dishes (even if they may appear too spicy or greasy).

Traveling around the country for a week is one thing, but living in a new place for an entire year is much more interesting. Foreign students get to experience a brand new life with uncommon routines.

Developing Language Skills

Another obvious but good point of being a student from another country is that such a learner gets the hang of a new language.

Some may need to take language classes; others will have to learn the language just to communicate with people around them.

Even without trying to learn anything, daily life and activities will bring any foreign student the basic level of knowing a new language.

<span>Photo by <a href="">Brett Zeck</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a></span>


On the Last Note: Explore

Planning a new journey and going on a trip is a refreshing experience. It can help many get rid of depression and social anxiety, and will definitely bring some excitement into their lives.

Moreover, being alone in a brand new country is hard to compare with any other trip. So, it’s a good experience for self-exploration, even if the very idea may seem overwhelming at first. And if you do get overwhelmed, just focus on your studies. Shifting your focus from anxious thoughts will definitely be good.

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