Best Eco-Friendly Practices for Your Neighborhood

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Best Eco-Friendly Practices for Your Neighborhood

Sustainability is an ever-growing topic today. More people believe in preserving the planet and doing their share to be healthier, greener, and more conscious of environmental issues. While these efforts are positive, many people mostly do them individually. Here are some of the best eco-friendly practices for your neighborhood to get the whole community involved.

Install Separate Recycling Bins

Recycling is one of the easiest, self-sufficient forms of sustainability that fits any lifestyle. In fact, one of the hardest parts of recycling is finding the right bin in which to toss your recyclables. Still, you can easily create a sustainable neighborhood after installing suitable recycling receptacles around. Whether they’re on the street corner or near storefronts, these receptacles will encourage better environmental practices for plastics, metals, and other recyclables. They’ll make a difference since people will be able to recycle rather than throw everything away. Remember to have distinct recycling bins for different recycling materials so that workers can sort through them.

Build a Sustainable Playground

Why not build a sustainable playground in your area? It may surprise you to know that even public buildings and parks have sustainable options. Simply construct these areas using sustainable building materials. Certain organic materials may break down or cause injury to children. But today, there are plenty of safe, sustainable building materials to choose from, such as recycled plastic, cork, woodchips, bamboo, and more.

Start a Composting Program

While it may not seem attractive at first, composting is one of the best eco-friendly practices for your neighborhood. The average household produces thousands of pounds of trash every year, and food waste accounts for a significant percentage of that trash. That’s why composting is a great way to reduce this amount. There are plenty of workshops and online resources to learn more about the composting process. Ultimately, it’s an efficient way to repurpose food waste into organic nutrient-rich compost for your soil. You’ll feel your green thumb work tirelessly with this program.

Host Neighborhood Clean-Up Days

Additionally, it’s a great idea to host community-wide clean-up days around the neighborhood. Everyone knows litter is a big problem in any area. Trash piles up in nature preserves, near roads, and even on front lawns. That’s why a community-wide initiative to clean up litter is a great way to involve everyone in a large-scale event. Form an environmental committee to schedule these clean-ups. Then, partner with the local community or school organizations, such as scouts, sports teams, or religious centers. Clean-ups are great community events everyone can help with.

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Photo by Cleyder Duque from Pexels
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