Best Ways To Add Self-Reflection to Your Day

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Best Ways To Add Self-Reflection to Your Day

A self-care routine should be well-rounded yet highly personal to you. Just because you see someone else who starts off their day with an Ashtanga class or who only eats certain foods doesn’t mean that that’s best for you. Incorporating a little self-inquiry into your life can help you start a self-care routine—here are some ideas for the best ways to add self-reflection to your day.


A tried-and-true method that will allow you to get to know you is writing it out. Journaling is an excellent way to express your emotions. There’s no need to edit or censor anything; just let it all out. Putting your racing thoughts on paper can settle those thoughts, leaving you with more balance and more clarity about how to move forward.

Plenty of websites and physical journals can help you out with this. Or you might choose to use the built-in notes app on your phone, as your phone is probably within reach whenever you need to let something out.

Enjoying Quiet Moments

If you want to add a dedicated meditation practice to your day, go for it! Being reflective is much easier when nothing else is demanding your attention. You can easily tweak your habits to find other ways for more silence, too. For example, skip the music or podcast in the background when you go on a walk, cook dinner, or finish chores.

There’s something magical about learning how to settle into the present moment. Regular quiet time provides space that helps us hear the insights and ideas we’ve been waiting for. This is hands-down one of the best ways to add self-reflection to your day.

Designing Your Space

Your environment profoundly influences how you feel and experience the world, and your space can be a powerful tool to transform your mindset. You can leave yourself a note on the bathroom mirror to remind yourself to see every day, or you can strive to turn your room into an oasis. You could integrate a plethora of things that are meaningful to you in your room, such as poems, photographs, small plants, trinkets, or crystals to set intentions.

Meditation with Crystals

Using crystals while meditating can spark your inner balance and fill you with healing energy. Each crystal has its own trait. For instance, you can use black tourmaline for positive energy, and lean into rose quartz for self-love. If you don’t know which crystal is right for you, you can check this shop for more information.

Start by cleansing your crystals first, which can be done in different ways such as placing the crystal under running water or exposing it to sunlight for a few hours. Next, connect to your higher self by setting your intentions. Keep breathing in a relaxed manner, and meditate for 10-20 minutes before ending your session with some light stretching.

The beauty of self-inquiry is that it’s an entirely versatile practice for you to explore. Get started with some of these ideas, or follow your own!

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