Empowering Books For Girls In 2020

9 mins read
Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

Here are our favourite picks for the best books every girl should read this year. From a variety of authors and aimed at a range of ages, there’s something that will have every girl feeling confident and empowered. Topics include body confidence, diversity and the lives of historical figures so everyone can find their next great read below! 

The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch

This product was recommended by Muhammad Mateen Khan from PureVPN

Princess Elizabeth is slated to marry Prince Ronald when a dragon attacks the castle and kidnaps Ronald. In resourceful and humorous fashion, Elizabeth finds the dragon, outsmarts him, and rescues Ronald–who is less than pleased at her un-princess-like appearance. This book addresses numerous themes, reversing traditional gender roles, exploring the theme that beauty is more than skin deep, and providing a different meaning to happily ever after. Typical fairytales often portray women as weak characters waiting to be rescued by handsome princes.

Strong is the New Pretty by Kate T. Parker

This product was recommended by Allison Tupling from The Greenish Mama

A beautiful, inspiring photography book of real girls, doing real things that girls can do whether it’s being strong, silly, or adventurous! These girls do whatever they want and inspire others to do the same. No damsels in distress here!

The Girls by Lauren Ace

This product was recommended by Allison Tupling from The Greenish Mama

The Girls follows four diverse, little girls that bond together under the apple tree into the women they become. Each of them is different and has unique gifts (none of the gifts being “she’s pretty”). They also show the importance of girls lifting each other up and not putting each other down. My girls and I saw this for the first time on Cbeebies, Bedtime Stories and loved it so much that we purchased a copy of our own.

Clean Up! by Nathan Byron

This product was recommended by Allison Tupling from The Greenish Mama

Clean Up! follows, Rocket, on her trip to the Caribbean to visit her family.. When she sees all the pollution, she knows she and her family must do something. It’s a great way to share the plastic problem but in a way that inspires readers that anyone and everyone can do something to save the planet. There are even tips for families to me more like Rocket. It’s appropriate for all ages and is written and illustrated by Black authors.

Little Leaders by Vashti Harrison

This product was recommended by Lesley Reynolds from Harley Street Skin Clinic

A mesmerizing and entertaining read, Little Leaders: Vashti Harrison’s Brave Women In Black History speaks of American black history ‘s influential and little recognized female leaders. A children’s book showcasing forty inspirational African American people including author Maya Angelou, physicist Katherine Johnson, and American feminist Ruby Bridges complements each profile with stunning drawings and motivational quotes.

Women in Science by Rachel Ignotofsky

This product was recommended by Gabrielle Birchak from MathScienceHistory

Science is not just for boys! Women in Science – 50 Fearless Pioneers who Change the World, written and illustrated by Rachel Ignotofsky, explores the exciting world of women in STEM where girls can learn about the sheroes of history and of today who blazed trails in primatology, physics, mathematics, space flight, psychology, and more. Rachel Ignotofsky fills this book with beautiful illustrations of powerful women in STEM and informative infographics to inspire and encourage girls in science.

Whole Heart for Girls by Amy L. Stark Ph.D.

This product was recommended by Dr. Amy L. Stark from DrAmyStark

Child psychologist Amy Stark wrote this book to help young girls understand that self-esteem is about knowing you are lovable. This gives children a chance to make mistakes, try something new and know they can cope with life’s ups and downs, without falling apart or feeling like a failure, hence unlovable. In that way, girls are empowered to try new things and know that no matter what the results, trying your best is important, and win or lose you are always loved.

Read Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell

This product was recommended by Samantha Moss from Romantific

This book teaches that it is okay even if they are different from others. Her grandma taught her to stand up for herself and made her realize that there’s nothing a bully can do to harm her so she just had to be herself and be proud of what she is.

Try The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires

This product was recommended by Samantha Moss from Romantific

This book talks about two best friends, a girl, and her dog. The girl wishes to make something magnificent but has encountered failures along the way. She tries her best even after failing until she reaches her goal. This teaches about the rewards of perseverance.

Girls Think of Everything by Catherine Thimmesh (Author

This product was recommended by Samantha Moss from Romantific

This book is great for mothers and daughters to bond over. I believe this book could make a good relationship be better for kids and their parents. This will tickle your imagination and will keep your creativity awake.

Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

This product was recommended by Geninna Ariton from press@trendhim.com

This book is a story about non-conformity. And that is something that a lot of girls these days are not aware of. Everybody seems to be jumping on the bandwagon, what’s hot and what’s not, sacrificing what it is that they like just to be accepted by society. Stargirl is not like that. There are a lot of eccentric things about her, including the fact that she changed her name from Susan to Stargirl. Next is the way she dresses, and the things that she believes in, to name a few.

The Night Fairy by Laura Amy Schlitz

This product was recommended by Dave Pedley from Your Cub

This is a wonderful and inspiring story about a young fairy girl who faces many tribulations in the forest. It teaches great lessons on resilience and compassion.

Ramona Quimby Collection by Beverly Cleary

This product was recommended by Dave Pedley from Your Cub

Ramona Quimby is timeless – this unique, bouncy girl always provides a unique perspective and encourages girls to embrace who they are.

Karma Khullar’s Mustache by Kristi Wientage

This product was recommended by Dave Pedley from Your Cub

This story is centered around a young girl’s experience being bullied at school because she had hair on her upper lip. It’s an inspiring story about body image and confidence.

I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont

This product was recommended by Shari Smith from Shari – Sells

I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont should be on every girl’s shelf. It is a girl’s book that helps their self-esteem and accepts how they look at a very young age. I was encaptured by the energetic feel of the book and that it shamelessly describes the physical flaws of a girl but proudly defines her being.

I Have Lived A Thousand Years by Livia Bitton-Jackson

This product was recommended by Mia Clarke from Invert Pro

This book is amazingly written and it focuses around a young girl Elli Friedmann , 13 years old, surviving the troubles due to war with her mother and brother. It shows the strong will and faith that Eilli has to converge to go through her present troubles and the ones yet to come.

Life is what you make of it by Preeti Shenoy

This product was recommended by April Green from Days of our Lives

Life is what you make of it by Preeti Shenoy is a story of love, hope, and how determination can even overcome even destiny. The heart-warming story of a young girl who struggles against all odds, when life as she knows it is disrupted. The bipolar disorder of the protagonist Ankita has been eloquently portrayed. The highs of the euphoria to the abyss of crestfall are shown beautifully. This book will make you realize, open your eyes and help you accept the fact at last that it’s not you. It is something out of your control, to heal and grow you need to face the facts and get help (both personal and professional). What you are going through won’t go away on its own with time, it’s not a paper cut.

Women Who Dared By Linda Skeers

This product was recommended by Melanie Musson from BuyAutoInsurance

Girls can do great things and reading about women who already have reached for the stars can give them the confidence to try for themselves. This book is full of true stories of adventure and challenge where women have shown their tenacity and grit and have accomplished great things. From the famous to the lesser-known historical character, this book highlights the traits of powerful women.

Welcome to Washington by Fina Mendoza

This product was recommended by Marie Daley from Book Club for Kids podcast

This book is disguised as a mystery about the Demon Cat of Capitol Hill, but it’s really a story designed to inspire the next generation of public servants. Fina is the 10-year old daughter of a congressman who takes us backstage in Congress as she walks congressional dogs and solves mysteries.

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