Ethical Product Review: Avalon Organics Coconut Moisturizing Conditioner – 325ml

3 mins read

This luxurious moisturising conditioner is made with organic essential oils to leave hair soft and shiny and without the use of parabens, harsh preservatives, synthetic colours or fragrance, phthalates or harmful sulphates which can be absorbed in to the body. Avalon never test on animals and use organic ingredients to support the highest ideals of sustainable, organic agriculture, a cleaner environment and good health.


For best results use after Avalon Organics Coconut Moisturizing Shampoo to leave hair light and moisturised without being weighed down.

Avalon Organics Moisturizing Coconut Shampoo Review:

I’ve used a lot of shampoos lately, some have caused allergic reactions, some I have grown to dislike. I was excited to get to try a shampoo that wasn’t like the others! I’m going to preface my review by saying I am a bit of a naive shopper. I don’t read ingredients lists, I look at textures and smells, for me its a case of ‘if it smells good and its got a nice texture it will be good for my hair. This may be wrong and I may be paying for that naivety but I doubt I will ever learn better.

This shampoo has a very different feel to it. It is very watery, a lot more so than any other I’ve used before. It’s so watery that it ended up spilling out of my hands a few times due to how thin it is. It doesn’t have the same “stickiness” that most shampoos have, in fact its a bit dry feeling to the touch (but it doesn’t dry my hair!). I have long, dyed red hair that is pretty dry so I like to make sure I use a lot of shampoo to really get to the hair underneath and safely say I didn’t skimp on product with this.

I loved the outcome. It meant I had enough left over in the bottle to use an a small shower gel. I was really surprised by how soft my hair felt and how clean it looked, usually red hair can look a bit brassy and a bit dull after washing but this really brought out the shine. I really liked it. The only thing I didn’t like was the slightly fruity, coconutty scent, it was too sweet for my liking and it wasn’t something I could wear to work.

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Avalon Organics Moisturizing Coconut Conditioner Review:

So moving on to the conditioner. It is very thin and watery just like the shampoo. The smell is even sweeter. It smells exactly like LUSH’s Cinders Shower Gel, sweet and coconutty and delicious!

I followed the instructions and applied this to my hair post shampoo. It is a lot thicker than the shampoo which makes me feel a lot more confident in how much I’m using. I massage it in to my hair with my fingers.

I then rinse it out and follow with my hair dye and straightener. This conditioner leaves my hair feeling soft and healthy. I don’t have to use as much of my hair but I like to use it and make my hair smell delicious for as long as possible.

Avalon Organics Moisturizing Coconut Conditioner Review:


  • No animal testing
  • No animal ingredients
  • No parabens, harsh preservatives, synthetic colours or fragrance, phthalates or harmful sulphates
  • No sticky feel
  • Sleek design, simple (but not bland) packaging
  • Smells yummy
  • Leaves hair feeling soft and looking shiny


Didn’t like the fruity scent

I love this shampoo and conditioner. It did a beautiful job of cleaning and conditioning my hair in that I just kept using and using. The scent and flavour of the shampoo and conditioner did make me feel a little bit sick and give me a headache and I’m being very honest about that. The scent is too sweet and over powering. I like things a bit more plain and natural smelling. (I can’t eat breakfast pastries, I’m a creature of habit!)

That being said I really loved this duo. I loved the way it made my hair feel and look. I will definitely buy this again and I recommend its use to anyone that is interested in trying a shampoo and conditioner that is different from the crowd.

Takes me back to the childhood days of LUSH, before I knew how bad their ingredients were (or that they used animals in testing, I do a lot of things now because I know how bad they are). I hate the reason why I know and be honest I never knew LUSH sold plus size products until just now! (I hadn’t shopped there in years, well until yesterday, when I reviewed their Cherry Blossom Shower Smoothie, you can check it out by clicking here)

I doubt I will be shopping at LUSH again, I did like some of the products I used that were already vegan, otherwise I would have been buying all sorts of things that weren’t and weren’t even labelled as such. I will buy from Avalon Organics again. They are not targeting the ‘vegan’ market, they are targeting the ‘natural’ market and many of their products are vegan and labelled as such. What I like about this is I can trust them to pick the best ingredients and be honest to their customers. I know that they will never be using any animal products or testing on animals ever because that is their policy and the reason why they refuse to release products into the market until they have picked only the most natural ingredients.

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