Ethical Product Review: Mooncup Menstrual Cup

3 mins read

The Mooncup Reusable Menstrual Cup is an innovative and eco-friendly alternative to tampons. Made from a soft silicone, it is designed by women, for women. Reusable, portable, and cost-saving. Suitable for women with allergies.

It is worn internally like a tampon, but collects menstrual fluid rather than absorbing it. Unlike a tampon, the Mooncup is not disposable, so you only need to buy one making the Mooncup a great alternative to disposable sanitary products.

The Mooncup menstrual cup contains no bleaches, deodorisers or absorbency gels. It does not interfere with your healthy vaginal environment, nor has it been associated with toxic shock syndrome.

Mooncup Menstrual CupReviews:

Being comfortable to put in and take out, I am sure you won’t experience any leakage once you have inserted it properly. It just really wants to sit nicely in your vagina and not leak at all.

It is made up of two cups, a soft bottom portion that collects the fluid and a stiff top giving it the shape and size of a small drinking cup. The cup has a number of slits on the bottom which allows a menstrual cup to hold significantly more fluid than a tampon/plug.

Mooncup is not designed to be worn during sex.

When you’re ready to insert the Mooncup simply remove the cup from its packaging, pinch each side of the base together and fold the cup into a C-shape. Then insert it for a snug fit.

Leave the Mooncup in place for the best period protection all day and night. If using it for swimming, sport or exercise the cup should be removed at the end of your period. At this time shake the cup to remove the excess blood, rinse thoroughly, reinsert and continue with your usual activity.

If there is some slight leakage after removing the cup, wipe away with tissue and rinse your cup before reinserting.

The Mooncup holds up to 30ml of fluid, more than a tampon.

The instructions should help walk you through the steps to making an origami moon cup. Many women have found they can easily fold it in under a minute, and it’s super-simple. You can use one hand to hold the Mooncup while the other folds it!

How to insert the Mooncup?

The inserting process is easy and safe. Pinch the Mooncup and fold it into a C-shape as seen in the video. Once done, simply insert the cup by hooking the folded side over your labia, and push the rest up inside your vagina. You can check for how far it is in by reaching your finger up into the vagina to feel it. If you’re using a larger Mooncup you may need to use two hands.

If you’re experiencing any problems at the beginning, with the Mooncup I really recommend you to take a look at the detailed instrcutions. They might give you a tip on how to make your Mooncup really fit so well you can’t feel it.

Read more reviews or buy here

Mooncup Menstrual Cup Reviews:

The Mooncup menstrual cup is designed not to leak, but if you experience some leakage, it’s not a problem, just wipe your pants with toilet paper and wash your hands.

Depending on how heavy your flow is will determine how often you will be changing the cup. By the end of day one your period should have finished, in which case, you would change the cup and remove it again in the morning.

On day 2, I found that I needed to empty the Mooncup 2-3 times before the end of the day. When I woke up in the morning I again emptied the cup, rinsed it in warm water and continued with my daily routine.

Read more or buy Mooncup Menstrual Cup here

Mooncup Menstrual Cup Reviews:

When I first got home with my Mooncup package, I read the instructions several times to make sure I got it right. I have never seen something like this and I was worried I might be nervous and not want to try it…you know inside was saying: you are too busy, why you need this… Then I was preparing to try a new kind of feminine hygiene product.

With a friend of mine, I decided to go to the bathroom to try the soon-to-be Mooncup. The important point we noticed right away was to wash ourselves really well. You need to remove all the natural bacteria around your vagina, so you don’t want your Mooncup to smell bad.

We then removed the cover and I could see the Mooncup, wow! I mean, it looked like a big cup with a stem, and like another friend of mine, I had a small laugh. You can find the Mooncup in two sizes, the Large and the Small.

We first decided to try the Large one, since I’ve never inserted anything inside me, and I thought it would be difficult. It took me a few times to put the cup correctly, but once I did it, it felt great! I had no problem using the Mooncup! I felt in that moment like it was something really natural and I didn’t have to worry at all about the Mooncup.

Read more or buy here

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