Shrill by Lindy West
This product was recommended by Rachel Wynn from Feminist Founder

Lindy West pulls no punches! This fantastic non-fiction audiobooks takes us on West’s journey navigating various issues like body image, trolls on the internet, social responsibility in comedy, abortions, and finding and owning her voice, all in a delightfully hilarious manner. I also highly recommend West’s The Witches Are Coming and Shit, Actually, both additional audiobook gems. Her books are a must-listen for feminists who want real talk, and some serious belly laughs.
Asking for It by Kate Harding
This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors

Be ready to yell at the universe while listening to this one. Kate Harding analyzes rape culture and muses on how college women passing out at midnight are like men running to battle—everyone stays together. No one goes left behind. I spent a lot of time relaxing in parking lots, trying not to puke as I listened. But it’s a vital book for every human right now. It’s one of the original feminist audiobooks that made me hooked on taking in my feminism through my mind.
The Girls Who Went Away By Ann Fessler
This product was recommended by Brack Nelson from Incrementors

This. Book. Ruined. Me. I was raised with the thought that women who put their babies up for adoption did so flippantly because, oops; they got pregnant and didn’t choose to be a mom. But in this book, Ann Fessler interviews women who gave up their babies, and their stories are all so lovingly creakingly similar. The young woman had sex for the first time (or was raped), missed her period, started showing up, didn’t know what was going on to her, got sent off to a maternity home, gave birth, and lived with a mystery for the rest of their lives. Some girls simply had no sex education, or couldn’t afford abortions, or were threatened by their family if they even thought about keeping and raising the baby. Do yourself a pick and tune in to this book.
Rage Becomes Her by Soraya Chemaly
This product was recommended by Kerry Lopez from Incrementors

Why DOES society believe it so unladylike to express anger? Why is anger viewed as a masculine emotion? In Rage Becomes Her, Chemaly analyzes women’s fury, how historically women have been constrained to keep everything frozen up, and what that does to women’s bodies. Each chapter is like a truth bomb pointing out how many social rules are based on our concepts around what is deemed feminine and masculine sympathies.
The Legacy He Left Me by Lovern J. Gordon
This product was recommended by Lovern Gordon from The Legacy He Left Me

A domestic violence awareness memoir that chronicles Lovern Gordon’s experiences with abuse – both as a child witness growing up in Trinidad and young adult survivor in the United States. The book serves as a guide to the signs of an unhealthy relationship, how easy it can be for anyone to fall into abuse pattern, how abusers seek out their victims, the importance of safety planning when seeking to leave, self-care post abuse and inspiration for thriving post abuse. Despite the legacy of abuse pathway she was set on by her father, she now runs a non-profit that provides year-round awareness around the issue, provides resources for victims and survivors and educates the masses on how they can be part of the solution in helping to end the epidemic. The book serves as extension of her advocacy work on the issue.