Simple Ways To Reduce Waste in Schools

1 min read
Simple Ways To Reduce Waste in Schools

When students return to school, things will certainly look different. Remote learning has certainly been beneficial for the environment, but it’s not going to last forever. In addition to making the learning environment safe for students, we must also make small changes that are beneficial for the planet. Here are some simple ways to reduce waste in schools.

Reuse Paper

The first method for making a school environmentally friendly is finding inventive ways to reuse paper. A lot of paper can go to waste for worksheets, exams, and other assignments. Getting the most out of paper by using the other side is a great way to start reducing waste.

Utilize the Cloud

You can also limit the amount of paper you use altogether by taking assignments to the Cloud. With tablets becoming more and more common in the classroom, you can easily have students complete work and submit it right on their tablets. This will reduce how much paper you have to print.

Invest in New Lighting

Another simple way to reduce waste in schools might not be one you’ve thought of. Going with LED lighting in your classrooms, cafeterias, and gymnasiums will have a positive effect on the environment. Installing LED lighting reduces waste because it lasts longer than other types of lighting, so you won’t have to throw out bulbs and replace them as often.

Keep Old School Supplies Handy

There’s a lot of school supplies to save for future students. That’s why you should encourage students to donate these items or continue using them. Not only will this help decrease waste, it can also save students and their parents plenty of money.

Encourage Bringing Lunch From Home

The final tactic you can try to decrease waste in a school is to encourage students to bring their own lunch. However, when they do bring lunch from home, make sure they are using reusable lunchboxes and drinking out of reusable water bottles. This is another small change students and teachers can make to work towards a more sustainable future.

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