Top 20 Motivation Building Books For Women In 2019

8 mins read
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Motivation is one of those things that don’t come easily even though you wish for it to magically appear. Motivation is about building yourself up, thinking about the future and belief in yourself. These books do an amazing job with setting the approach for those of us under motivated.

#1 The Impostor Syndrome by John Graden

70% of professional women have the feeling that they are not as smart, skilled, or as talented as everyone thinks they are. That is the very description of The Impostor Syndrome. In seminars, when I describe this, the look of relief from the women is a delight to witness.

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#2 The Book of Awesome Women by Becca Anderson

If this book doesn’t inspire women to be their most badass goddess selves, nothing will. It’s full of true, heartwarming stories of powerful, outspoken, amazing women who tapped into their authenticity and made a massive impact on the world. Some are household names, but many of these women aren’t well known and yet what the accomplished deserves to be celebrated. If you’re a lighthouse lady ready to be her most empowered self, this book will help give you the boost of confidence and inspiration you deserve.

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#3 21 Days to a Big Idea by Bryan Mattimore

Increasingly, women are looking to create their own businesses… but may not yet have been able to think of their “big idea.” The book 21 Days to a Big Idea solves this! By leading the reader through a fun, easy-to-learn and apply twenty-one day process, it’ll help women invent and develop “the next big thing!” The book includes more than two dozen proven idea-creation techniques and processes that have helped Fortune 500 companies create over $3 Billion in successful new products and services.

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#4 In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney

This amazing book is filled with motivational stories of successful female entrepreneurs who are trailblazers. All of their stories are unique and it’s written in a question/answer format. They talk about what inspired them and how they followed their dreams regardless of any hurdles.

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#5 Whole Again by Jackson MacKenzie

Whole Again may not sound like a motivational book on the surface.But if you’re someone who’s experienced atoxic relationship in the past—or suspect you may be in one now—this book is a must-read. The insight and guidance Jackson MacKenzie outlines for healing emotional wounds, working through shame and ultimately arriving at self-acceptance is itself a source of motivation.

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#6 The 5 second rule by Mel Robbins

The 5 second rule is not just for women, however I found the neuro science and the practical advice offered helps one stop overthinking ( women tend to be overthinkers) and start to take action in that 5 second when we could talk ourselves out of doing something or speaking up or getting out of bed.

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#7 Expectation Hangover by Christine Hassler

This book gives you deep insights and awareness as to why we feel disappointed when we get all the success society said would make us happy, yet are not feeling fulfilled. Christine has many tools and activities to guide yourself to new thoughts, new feelings,new actions, and therefore new results in your life.

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#8 The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

This book Brene offers us a way to look at our imperfections as part of life. That perfectionism is impossible and for so many women trying to be the best mom, wife, employee, daughter sister etc can be overwhelming. When we can embrace our flaws and see how awesome we truly are just as we are, will encourage women to become more empowered in their lives.

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#9 Do It Scared by Ruth Soukup

Do It Scared is for everyone with a particular focus on women and how fear holds them back from doing the things they want. It identifies the different fear archetypes, with a survey that corresponds with the book, to help readers identify which they are. The book gives practical tips and insights on overcoming the impact of fear in our lives.

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#10 Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis

A book about self-growth that aims to teach women how to focus on their goals and objectives instead of trying to please everyone around them. You owe nothing to anyone; stop living based on what others are expecting from you to achieve your dreams.

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#11 Self Love by Karen Roe

The title is as intuitive as it gets. This empowering book aims to teach women how to love themselves, gain confidence, and boost self-esteem, to achieve their goals in all aspects of life, from career to relationships.

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#12 Me and The Japanese Beauty Standards

This book is very relatable, and always inspiring for women. I believe that this book will be motivational for any woman struggling to learn to embrace herself.

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#13 Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

Often times as women we feel like we need to be doing everything for everyone. This often results in feelings of overwhelm, burnout, physical illness and even anxiety or depression. This book proposes systems and strategies to help individuals select what is truly essential. Essentialism does not just address the physical/intellectual strategies and systems but the emotions that are behind what we choose to see as essential in our daily lives. This approach helps in making sustainable foundational shifts that will last because the person has an emotional attachment to a new way of being and interacting in the world.

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#14 Money a Love Story by Kate Northrup

In this book Kate recounts her money journey from broke to abundant. She tells the hard truths and provides great suggestions and exercises that allow women to get to the root of their limiting money beliefs. The exercises in the book encourage reflection on who and how you have been educated and experienced money in your past and current life. She gives practical tips on how to rebuild your money story and truly fall in love with money. She is witty and funny, I loved every part of the book. I have implemented the tools and skills and now have a much healthier relationship with money.

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#15 Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

This book is all about how to lead through being able to have the “tough conversations” that so many women shy away from. If you are “assertive” or “confrontational” as a woman you can be labeled and this book proposes a system in which to work through tough conversations with the outcome of understanding and increased respect for each other. Brene acknowledges the tendency of women to derive their self-esteem from how much we work, do and endure for the sake of others. I have watch to many women continue to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others only to end up depleted, depressed and tired. It is time to change the culture, meaning and role of leadership in the county. We as women must Dare to Lead.

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#16 Soul Conversations by Wells GC-C, Austyn

Motivational is what Austyn Wells does best. Wells writes with an uplifting tone through the book, with soul-centered stories and practical tips on how to cultivate your intuition, heal your heart and connect to the divine. The book is all about how to live from your soul, connect to your purpose and see the lesson in even the most difficult of situations.

This book is a motivational guide (complete with downloaded guided meditations, available upon purchase of the book) of how to let go of what has happened to make room for what will be, investigating many different modalities and techniques of coming back to the purest essence of ourselves, our soul.

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#17 When All Balls Drop by Heidi Siefkas

This book is inspiring, heart-wrenching, and most importantly meaningful to every woman who has ever struggled with anything personally, professionally, physically, or mentally. This book will touch your soul.

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#18 Among the Maasai: A Memoir by Juliet Cutler

Juliet Cutler’s debut is perfect for travel-bugs with a heart for social justice and empowering other women. As a former teacher in Tanzania and current advocate for the improvement of girls’ education, Cutler uses her experiences and passion to motivate her readers to work hard to for the changes they want to see in the world, no matter the discomfort or hurdles they may meet along the way. Proceeds from the sale of her memoir support education for these girls.

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#19 Your Turn: Ways to Celebrate Life Through Storytelling by Tyra Manning

Tyra healed her pain from loss and addiction through storytelling; in this guidebook, she invites and motivates readers to do the same by empowering them with tools and a space to do so. Your Turn is “A well-told saga of recovery from loss and emotional breakdown, and a tribute to the ordinary blessings that made it possible”.

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#20 Joy Seeker by Shannon Kaiser

From the #1 bestselling author of The Self Love Experiment and Adventures for Your Soul, comes JOY SEEKER, a book that encourages readers to abandon the habits that leave them exhausted and let their “true self” lead the way to a more joyful future. After making a personal commitment to finding joy in her everyday life–and finding greater meaning and connection– Kaiser is enthusiastic about helping others realize the worry-free lives of their dreams.

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Contributors to this article
John Graden from USASelfDefense

Kat Courtney from The AfterLife Coach

Bryan Mattimore from Growth Engine Innovation Agency

Shea Bailey from Bailey Shea Designs

Matt Smith from Modern Era Counseling

Coach Judy from Judy Prokopiak Coaching

Holly Connors from Simplify Create Inspire

Sonya Schwartz from Her Aspiration

Tomomi Tsuchio from TomomiTsuchio

Rachel Freemon Sowers from Rachel Freemon Sowers

Austyn Wells from Austyn Wells Spiritual Medium

Heidi Siefkas from HeidiSiefkas

Madison Ostrander from BookSparks

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