This article showcases our top picks for the
Books About Losing Husband. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article
This list is in no particular order.This product was recommended by Jar Kuznecov from Water Softeners Hub
Reason for Suggestion: * Creates understanding and gives solutions to the griefs * Helps go through mourning process * Includes comprehensive resource listing * Chapters on finding professional help and support groups
This product was recommended by Adil Advani from WELLPCB
The death of a spouse or companion is something that might seem unbearable. However, everyone’s experience with grief will be different because it can happen at any time and to anyone. Understanding the various ways people process their loss helps them heal more quickly.
This product was recommended by Stephen Curry from CocoSign
George Bonanno, a professor of clinical psychology, is an astute observer of the intersection between science and soul searching. In this book, he couples the story of his father’s death with easy-to-read scientific research. This guide is helpful as it explores the concept of resilience in the field of grief and trauma.
This product was recommended by Stephen Curry from CocoSign
Through this book, Jonathan Santlofer highlights a man’s perspective on how the griefing process works by writing about the untimely death of his wife after undergoing an outpatient medical procedure. This book highlights the different ways in which we expect men and women to grieve in Western Society. In addition, the guide also elaborates how it’s more acceptable for a woman than a man to grieve publicly.
This product was recommended by Kim Sorrelle from N/A
Four months after the author was diagnosed with breast cancer, her husband of nearly 29 years received a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and passed away six weeks later. Kim Sorrelle started writing after she got her you have cancer, phone call and continued to write through her husband’s batte and the months that followed his death. There are so many things that we do not have control over, things that we would not ever choose: cancer, losing a spouse, tragic accidents. But we can choose how we will handle these things. Joy is a choice that anyone can make but not everyone knows how. Facing cancer, becoming a widow, losing the future as the author saw it made her recognize that she had to choose a way to deal with the present.
This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix
The sadness of losing a loved one is crippling. Kim Murdock, the author of Feeling Left Behind, understands and empathizes with that suffering. She knows how it feels to be taken aback by music or the grocery store, to ponder the future alone, and to connect with a deceased loved one.
This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix
The Cost of Hope details Amanda and Terence’s heroic efforts to save Terence’s and their family’s lives. After his death, Bennett employs her investigative reporting talents to calculate the mission’s cost. What she discovers raises crucial questions about the complexities of America’s healthcare system.
This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix
Many things must be done if you have lost your spouse or companion. One of the most vital is dealing with your loss’s sadness. This book will teach you several steps to help you get over your loss, heal, and start living again. Amanda Banks was a young widow. Her first book, Heartbreak to Healing, is about using the devastating loss of her spouse to help others who are grieving.
This product was recommended by Ryan Yount from LuckLuckGo
The death of your husband can be an obstacle, and you may feel like things are falling apart. However, this book is crafted to enlighten readers that they are not alone and it’s normal to grieve for your spouse. The multi-award-winning author Gary Core comforts readers by giving them hope and encouragement by answering the spiritual questions that rush into your mind and heart after the death of your husband. He lets you know that God is by your side in times of pain and grief.
This product was recommended by Ryan Yount from LuckLuckGo
One unique thing about this book and why it resonates in the heart of many of its readers is its author Irvin Yalom. The renowned psychiatrist Irvin dedicated his life to counseling those who suffer from the death of their husband or wife. He suffered the loss of his wife to cancer and gained wisdom on coping with death. The author articulates his words in a way that will comfort you during the aftermath of your husband’s death. In the book, Irvin recounts the last months spent together with his wife and the first months alone to offer readers an opportunity to see how to cope with the death of a loving spouse.
This product was recommended by Ronald Smith from Eat Drink binge
The theme of the book relates to the term magical thinking, which refers to someone who is out of touch with the real world and believes that disastrous events can be avoided by the power of imagination. The Year of Self Delusion is a book about the author’s extreme anguish and sadness following her husband’s death from a deadly cardiac arrest in their home.
This product was recommended by Ronald Smith from Eat Drink binge
Gary’s objective is to meet you where you are in your grief and walk alongside you. Comfort for the Grieving Partner’s Heart is divided into little chapters that can be read one at a time, providing you with small doses of comfort, encouragement, and healing over time. Of course, you don’t have to read it this way. We all grieve in our own unique ways. Read in the manner that most naturally suits you.Losing a partner in life can be devastating. The society around us goes on as if nothing has occurred, ignorant pain. We blinked in surprise, stunned, horrified, heartbroken, puzzled, and enraged. Our hearts are shattered. Our spirits tremble.
This product was recommended by Ronald Smith from Eat Drink binge
The piece was written by a grief therapist who counselled hundreds of people and conducted support networks for the young and bereaved, and it has become a cult classic in the lost world. Feinberg uses comments from young widows and widowers (which often seemed plucked directly from my head) to face topical problems in parts with titles like 6 Kinds of Guilt, Going back To work, and Suicidal Feelings. The recommendations for locating other widowed individuals your age or dating are quaintly analogue since the first version of the booklet was created before the social network era. Aside from those chapters, this book’s wisdom and guidance are ageless.
This product was recommended by Jhon Munoz from 2M Carpet Cleaning
Megan Devin was a therapist who counseled people who had gone through tragedies – and then her husband died in an accident. She wrote this book in part to talk about how much she realized that the current therapy/attitude on grief is so messed up and doesn’t actually help anybody. I think this book can be very helpful to your readers.
This product was recommended by Allan Jeffrey from Ultra Decking
The hawk is an elegant but deadly animal. Following her father’s death, Helen MacDonald learned how to train one. In this mix of memoir and lyrical but informational nonfiction, MacDonald details how she weathered her grief while learning about one of nature’s most extraordinary creatures.
This product was recommended by Olivia Tan from CocoFax
This book gives strength and hope to the wife that lost her husband. It also comprises heterosexual partner relationships and the necessity for assistance from the families, friends, and recognizing the role the professional caregiver can attend to make the person that lost her husband not be thinking every time. This is at once a creative, challenging, and comforting book.
This product was recommended by Olivia Tan from CocoFax
The guide Buying a Home is created around every question a reader might have about this major life purchase and how to survive the situation. This book also provides the actual scoop on subjects such as buying a second home and paying off a mortgage early without regret. It sets good thinking for a wife that loses her husband to be in a good mood and to stay active.
This product was recommended by Olivia Tan from CocoFax
Cicero’s book is vast on biography and, as such, is ok and plentiful. At a somewhat fundamental level, it would probably work for various people, particularly young wives trying to make sense of a husband’s sudden death.
This product was recommended by Andre Flynn from Gadnets
A beautiful work that looks into the life of Hollywood’s IT girl, Evelyn Hugo, and the husbands she got married and lost, to the grim reaper, infidelity, and jealousy. This book was a tear-jerker and my personal favorite because, in addition to talking about social issues like the LGBTQ spectrum and racism, it wonderfully portrayed her journey through her seven marriages. Evelyn had my heart with her resilience, her choices, and her confidence. She taught me to listen to our hearts and never shy away from taking risks that mattered.
This product was recommended by Smriti Tuteja from Yogic-Experience
This isn’t a preachy self-help book. It is a collection of actionable insights that one can gain from a well-documented journey of a grieving woman. It helps to move forward without a partner. It is well-presented advice that doesn’t overwhelm. The depth of feelings in the book offers solace and helps you to connect with them. The book will not end the heartache but will make grieving easier.
This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors Web Solutions
Harold Kushner was a young rabbi when he discovered his 3-year-old son had a terminal disease. This bleak prognosis sent Harold on a lifetime quest to discover how God could allow decent people to suffer. In this famous book, he reveals how he reconciled his religious faith with his fears, concerns, and doubts, and it has become a resource for those suffering similar catastrophes. It covers Harold’s own experience as well as anecdotes from folks he’s assisted throughout his career.
This product was recommended by Sally Stevens from FastPeopleSearch
Full of love and sadness and beauty and hope. Offering hope and healing for the brokenhearted, The Tender Scar addresses the heart-wrenching pain of losing a spouse. There are no twists and turns in a plot to be explored here, but just musings of a beautiful tender heart. I have recommended this to many and given it to my closest friends. Hope it continues to help many more Widows and Widowers. Don’t miss this book!
This product was recommended by Alina Clark from CocoDoc
Four Funerals and a Wedding’ is a powerful story of uncomplicated, unencumbered grief and the resilience most of us have when we face life’s losses. Jill Smolowe’s book focuses on life during her husband’s illness and after his death as she juggles the needs of her daughter, her career, and other family members in crisis. She shows how one woman handles the impossible while holding on to her own dear life. Her style of writing is very easy to follow making the book a pleasure to read for anyone looking for a simple yet effective story. Highly recommended for anyone who’s ever experienced loss and grief, but also recommended for anyone who knows of someone who is grieving, in an effort to understand a bit more what they might be going through and how to help them. As a little bonus, the cover has a nice feel to it too! Highly Recommended.
This product was recommended by Paula Harris from WH Cornerstone Investments
The Rise Up: A Widow’s Journal captures & tames the thoughts & feelings that might be swirling around in the head & heart of a widow. This journal can be a tool that will help a widow process her feelings and empower her with strength and courage to embrace the full life that awaits her. It is designed to be a caring gift for someone whose husband or life partner died recently or in the last few years.
This product was recommended by Sarah Melancon from SexToyCollective
The book Sex After Grief: Navigating Your Sexuality After Losing Your Beloved by Joan Price is the only book on the market I am aware of that explicitly addresses sex after losing a partner. Joan is an acquaintance and wrote this book after losing her husband. She found that while there are many books on grief, sex is rarely discussed. While this book is aimed at anyone who has lost a partner, it could be very useful for those who have lost a husband in navigating this difficult topic..
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