6 Proven Ways to Boost Your Child’s Confidence and Self-Esteem

2 mins read
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Self-esteem is defined as the value you attach to yourself and your capabilities. A child with positive self-esteem will be better positioned to handle external pressure, setbacks, and disappointments. When you cultivate positive self-esteem in your child, you also promote good mental health and help them learn how to conduct themselves in a social setting. One of the most important questions parents ask is how to boost their child’s confidence without turning them into narcissistic and selfish human beings. In this regard, we have compiled a few ways to help you boost your child’s confidence and self-esteem.

Assign age-appropriate responsibilities

Children become more confident when they can complete household chores and responsibilities satisfactorily. An excellent way to involve your children and develop feelings of accomplishment is to assign them house chores according to their capabilities. Even though they did not manage to do their work perfectly, you must appreciate their efforts.

Avoid hurling insults at your child

There are bound to be times when your child will misbehave or go against your wishes. It is okay to be frustrated and angry, but it is not okay to insult your child in a fit of rage. Instead of calling them names, give yourself time to cool off and calmly talk to them, explaining why they did wrong.

Express unconditional love each day

Your child will have a sense of security when they know you love them no matter what. By showing them unconditional love, you lay a strong foundation for all the strong and healthy relationships they are yet to form in the future. Ways you can show your affection include hugging them goodbye, giving them lots of kisses, and cuddling with them.

Play with your child

Any time you play with your child, you show them that you enjoy their company and value the time you spend together. They also develop confidence, form solid bonds with others, and are less likely to develop anxiety and depression. You could get them educational and fun toys such as a kitchen play set for kids, which can help hone their social and emotional intelligence.

Teach them to learn from their mistakes

Everyone is bound to make mistakes at one point in time. Children who cannot deal with the fact that mistakes are a part of the human experience tend to act out and exhibit behavioral problems. Teaching your child to view mistakes as stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks would be best.

Allow your child to be independent

When your child gets into elementary school, you should consider teaching your child to do things by themselves. Allow them to create their schedules, pack their clothes and clean up after themselves. Avoid being a helicopter parent as it takes away their autonomy, damages your child’s self-esteem, and hinders them from unlocking their full potential.

Wrapping up

It is your responsibility to mold your child into a lovable and respectable person who will add value to society in the future. The methods discussed above seem small, but they go a long way in building your child’s self-esteem and confidence.

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