Love Makes a Family by Sophie Beer
This product was recommended by Alex Mastin from Home Grounds

I strongly believe that enlightenment begins at home, so does diversity. This is a wonderfully heartwarming book and can’t stop recommending it to every parent I meet.
Pride Parade Mad Libs by Brandon T. Snider
This product was recommended by Alex Mastin from Home Grounds

Another recent release is brilliant in its conception and execution. This is an absolutely fun read, something to read together and have a blast!
The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher by Dana Alison Levy
This product was recommended by Alex Mastin from Home Grounds

Oldie and goldie, this one will definitely crack you up and warm your heart. Best part? It is a series!
The Pants Project by Cat Clarke
This product was recommended by Sam O’Brien from Watersportswhiz

When you’re growing up in a world that marks you as different, you need stories like this to remind you that you’re not the only one. Liv is a wonderful narrator and this humorous, delightful story makes the transgender experience easy to empathize with. I wish I’d had stories like this when I was young.