Must-Read Books On White Privilege | Fight the Patriarchy

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This article showcases our top picks for the best ‘books on white privilege’. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). 

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Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad

This product was recommended by Shelby Gordon from Fit Flexible and Fluid

The book has topics broken out into sections. It does a deep drive into the specific issues and is easy to have group discussions around. While it does evoke true thought and emotion, it’s not a flame thrower or pablum. I work, primarily, with white women on their anti-racism journeys and this resource helps me provide focus and insight on specific issues around racism.

White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

This product was recommended by LaNika Nichelle Williams from The Bounceback Queen

This book is a must read if you want to end racism or see some sort of change. Often times, people have no idea what’s truly still going on in this country and has been since the beginning. White Privilege is definitely a thing and if someone genuinely wanted to get insight, this is the book.

The Heart of Whiteness by Robert Jensen

This product was recommended by Catriona Jasica from Top Vouchers Code

The Heart of Whiteness is an astounding book that talks about how difficult things have been made because of racism. The author interlinks self-experiences, data and theories to bring the reality of racism into the light. The question that white people once asked the black folks that how does it feel to be a problem, this book is a fantastic answer to that.

White Lies by Daniel Hill

This product was recommended by Catriona Jasica from Top Vouchers Code

White Lies is one extraordinary book that plays a huge role in fighting racism. It not just talks on how fatal it is but also tells you the ways to get involved and fight racism. I’m suggesting this book because it goes deep into the effect of white supremacy on individuals and gives out strategies to make a difference.

The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein

This product was recommended by Jennifer Willy from Etia

It is a groundbreaking, “virtually indispensable” study that has already transformed our understanding of twentieth-century urban history (Chicago Daily Observer), as it forces us to face the obligation to remedy our unconstitutional past.

Stamped by Jason Rey

This product was recommended by Jennifer Willy from Etia

Stamped by Jason Rey shines a light on the many insidious forms of racist ideas–and on ways, readers can identify and stamp out racist thoughts in their daily lives. It also proves that while racist ideas have always been easy to fabricate and distribute, they can also be discredited.

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