Must-Read Empowering Books In 2020

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If you’re looking to take control of your future or just for some new motivation, here’s the ultimate list to help you find your next great read. Written for a wide variety of readers, including parents with teens, there’s something here to help everyone conquer issues and live confidently. Take a look below!

Master Your Brain by Phillip Adcock

This product was recommended by Phillip Adcock from Adcock Solutions Limited

Master Your Brain will help empower you toward greater accomplishments in love, life, business, finance and health. Pulling from wide-ranging research on the brain and the latest discoveries in psychology and neuroscience, this book gives you a systematic, methodical approach to getting the most from your mind and programming it for success. Commercial psychologist Phillip Adcock explains in plain English why the brain functions as it does. Then he offers scientifically based techniques for harnessing the power of your emotions, conquering your fears, mastering communication and relationships, overcoming social obstacles, and clarifying what you really want to achieve. Step-by-step exercises show you how to visualize success, take command of your physiology, track your milestones, and more. With this book, you can better understand the behavior of yourself, friends and colleagues. It’s all right here at your fingertips.

The 7 Key Principles to Tap into the Wealth Inside You by Dr. Cali Estes

This product was recommended by JoBeth Evans from JoBeth Evans Life Coaching

This book gives incredible tips on how to use all the resources you already have to build incredible wealth. Dr. Cali Estes takes you step by step through each principle giving you the blue print to success.

Thriver Soup by Heidi Bright

This product was recommended by Heidi Bright from ThriverSoup

Thriver Soup: A Feast for Living Consciously During the Cancer Journey is empowering people who have been diagnosed with cancer. Jacqui R., a registered nurse in Cincinnati, Ohio, said Thriver Soup saved my life! Mary A. calls it a toolbox for dealing with cancer. Another woman in Georgia said it is helping her in miraculous ways. Thriver Soup, which is endorsed by doctors and nurses, gives patients more than 250 healing options. This well-researched book suggests tools for managing chemotherapy and surgery and offers ideas for approaching the cancer at the physical, nutritional, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

This product was recommended by Lesley Reynolds from Harley Street Skin Clinic

Jen Sincero is brutally honest and her empowering self-help book, You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Live An Awesome Life, to the point. This book contains a lot of effective strategies you can start using today. To create a more fulfilling and satisfying existence follow the directions in this book. The book is based on the idea that by speaking in the moment and nurturing yourself, you could really live the life you would like to have. Indeed, Sincero serves to remind the reader / listener to love themselves at the end of each chapter. Unless you love yourself first, you can completely not be successful in making meaningful change. The book is tailored for those who either need to have a quick push off an edge or are trapped in life. This is for all phases of life, from those at the bottom rung of the ladder to those at the verge of magnificence. Well, in fact, she believes that everyone is on the verge of greatness – that’s why she published the book.

Master Your Destiny by Thibaut Meurisse

This product was recommended by Andrew Roderick from Credit Repair Companies

This self help book is one of several from the collection by Thibaut Meurisse. These books will help empower you into realising your own potential and help you reach a higher level of achievement. This one book in particular has really impacted my life for the better. It has opened my mind and helped me to realise that I am not the only one who benefits from my change; my positive change will help those I am around too.

I’m Worth More by Rob Moore

This product was recommended by Andrew Roderick from Credit Repair Companies

This book is fantastic and a must read for everyone. It helps you realize what is holding you back from your true potential. We all know how to love somebody, but we don’t know how to love and value ourselves fully. This book isn’t the easiest to get into, but after a few pages I was hooked. This insightful book is liberating and packed full of wisdom.

The Courage To Be Disliked

This product was recommended by Ethan Taub from Loanry

This self help book will empower you into realsing that it’s the reader who holds the key to their own happiness and wellbeing. It will help you recognise and achieve your true happiness. It is an easy to read book, but the words are profound and will stick with you for a really long time. This book will give you the skills to look at the world from a completely different view.

Unf*ck Yourself by NA

This product was recommended by Ethan Taub from Loanry

Unfu*k yourself is a great book that can really empower your self belief, teaching you how to get out of your own head and become the best you can be. It elequently gives you tools to stop wasting your time waiting for that magical solution because it isn’t coming and shows you that the good news is the only barrier preventing you from a happier, more fulfilling life is you.

Why will no one play with me? by Caroline Maguire

This product was recommended by Megan Petrola from Aesop Partners

The book is not your typical get up and go conquer the world but what I found empowering about it was that it gave me the tools to set my child up for success socially. It empowered me to take on difficult situations that I really had no answers for or situations that my peers would say “oh that’s just kids being kids.” When in fact it wasn’t.

Who Do You Copy? by GLIL

This product was recommended by Pai Pilu from Pai Pilu Photography

Very inspiring book, blunt, fresh writing, it has helped me going through these hard times. It’s a hidden gem.

Find Your Why by Simon Sinek

This product was recommended by Abby MacKinnon from Hoot Design Co.

My workplace read Find Your Why as part of our office book club, and it was life changing. Not only did it show how one sentence can motivate every aspect of your life, but it also gave a comprehensive guide on how to find that line. It empowers both your work and personal lives.

The Parent Compass by Cynthia Clumeck Muchnick

This product was recommended by Cynthia C. Muchnick from The Parent Compass

The Parent Compass: Navigating Your Teen’s Wellness and Academic Journey in Today’s Competitive World is perfect for this list. In the wake of Operation Varsity Blues and Covid-19, many parents don’t know how best to support their teens, especially when everyone around them seems to be frantically tutoring, managing, and helicoptering. The Parent Compass provides guidance on what parents’ roles should be in supporting their teens’ mental health as they traverse the maze of the adolescent years. For anyone daunted by the unique challenge of parenting well in this pressure-laden and uncertain era, The Parent Compass offers advice on fostering grit and resilience in your teen, strategies to help your teen approach life with purpose; guidance on how to preserve your relationship with your teen while navigating a competitive academic environment; clear explanations of your appropriate role in the college admission process; and effective ways to approach technology use in your home, and much more! Using The Parent Compass to navigate the adolescent years will help you parent with confidence and intention, allowing you to forge a trusting, positive relationship with your teen.

We’re All Marketers 20 Go To Principles To Help You Market Like A Marketer by Nico De Bruyn

This product was recommended by Nico De Bruyn from Boundless Media

Did you know that you’re a marketer? That’s right. In today’s consumerist, always-digital, interconnected environment, it’s almost become a necessity to be a marketer. Every single person that has access to the internet now has the opportunity of a lifetime. But how can you use it to your advantage, where do you even start and is there a simple way to get from where you are today to where you want to go? We’re All Marketers consists of 20 go-to principles to help you market like a marketer! It breaks down the principles that have made the top marketers successful and explains how you can utilize these principles to market you, your company or organization in a more impactful way.

The Conflict Resolution Grail by Meysa Maleki

This product was recommended by Stacy Callahan from Astonish Media Group

Weaving together knowledge and research from multiple disciplines, including genetics, evolution, communications theory, neuroscience, world history, psychology and sociology, Maleki reframes our understanding of conflict, providing both lay people and professionals with a holistic, integrated approach to conflict resolution, which incorporates both eastern and western philosophies. Beyond theory, negotiation techniques, and interpersonal skills, Maleki also explores the importance of human strength, compassion and self-awareness in bringing conflicts to a successful resolution.

Jesus Rode a Donkey by Linda Seger

This product was recommended by Jacquelyn Mahalick from Finn Partners

In this provocative and insightful book, Jesus Rode A Donkey: Why Millions of Christians Are Democrats, 5th Edition (Clovercroft Publishing May 5th, Trade Paperback, 253 pages, ISBN: 978-1950892143, $16.99), author Dr. Linda Seger, a theologian and a Quaker, explores what it means to be a Christian and a Democrat as we approach a sure-to-be historic 2020 election. Being Christian and a Democrat are not mutually exclusive, asserts Seger, Th.D. My book reveals the close relationship between Democratic policy and Jesus’ teachings and the many ways in which the values Jesus espouses in the Bible correspond to the values Democrats call their own. The idea that American Christians vote strictly Republican crumbles as readers peruse Seger’s careful study of both parties’ platforms. Jesus Rode A Donkey reminds the reader that Jesus and the prophets had a radical, progressive message that calls individuals and nations to feed the hungry, help the poor, heal the sick, free the oppressed, and to love our enemies. The Democrats embrace these values. It also gives Christian Republicans who are looking for a reason not to vote for Donald Trump a kind of safety net that confirms they can be Christians and vote Democrat. I hope it helps readers understand how important it is to vote in this election and how to use their faith and their value systems to lead them to their voting decisions. There are so many difficult problems facing us – and this book will help them understand a process for making choices through using Scripture, Christian theology, their own experiences, and an understanding of the issues.

The Five-Year Marriage by Annmarie Kelly

This product was recommended by Annmarie Kelly from The Five-Year Marriage

Traditional Marriage sucks! The antiquated ’til death marriage has robbed too many smart women of their independence and personal power. There’s a better way. Here’s a pretty progressive book for savvy women – and the men who love them – for living marriage in five-year chunks using contracts with renegotiable agreements.

Fear is Not the Boss of You by Jennifer Allwood

This product was recommended by Alexa Kurtz from Allover Designs

I’ve been a fan of Jen’s for months now, specifically her podcasts. When she published this book, I knew I had to get my hands on it! This book is so empowering and liberating if you are a person with big dreams, but self-sabotages with anxiety, this is a book you NEED to read! It talks a lot about how to get un-stuck and out of your head in order to capture your goals and live as the person God actually designed you to be. Whether you resonate as “religious” or not – I promise you’ll find value in this read. I highly recommend!

Love in the Time of Coron by Dr. Diana Wiley PhD

This product was recommended by Diana Wiley from DearDrDiana

This book empowers couples to make the most of their time in quarantine with guidance about how to revitalize their senses and enhance their intimate connection. Lots of specific suggestions that will relieve stress and strengthen your relationship.

The Universe is Talking to You by Tammy Mastroberte

This product was recommended by Tammy Mastroberte from TammyMastroberte

This book empowers readers who are looking for answers and guidance in their lives, but also those who want a sign from a loved one who has passed on because it teaches them how to open up and notice these signs for themselves — rather than relying on a psychic or a medium. It’s written by Tammy Mastroberte, founder of Elevated Existence, who is not a psychic or a medium. That means if she can do it, so can others! It includes practical, down-to-earth exercises, meditations, tips and Tammy’s a 5-step process to open up to the signs and synchronicities being sent from the Universe/God/Spirit, as well as angels and loved ones who have passed on.

1 Comment

  1. I am the author of The Heart of Attention which contains easy, calming, and relaxing practices that can be done when you feel weighed down by lower energies of stress and anxiety and all inner conflict. You will discover the tools you have within to instantly and easily protect yourself from insubstantial and worthless energies that cause suffering and maintain awareness and attention on higher energies of inner peace and joy that move life forward.

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