This article showcases our top picks for the
Uplifting Books To Read. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article
This list is in no particular order.This product was recommended by Andrei Kurtuy from Novorésumé
I believe this book shows you the entire struggle of an entrepreneur from the ideation phase to execution. The personal story of the founder of Nike is an inspiring lesson for thousands of people around the world. Moreover, it teaches you to never give up on your ideas and how to turn your idea into a successful business. Coming from the owner of one of the largest shoe brands, this book gives you a complete insight into becoming an entrepreneur and encourages you to take a leap of faith in life. I read this book during my high school days but the struggle of Phil Knight has stayed with me during my entire life. It encouraged me to believe in my idea and turn it into a successful business while being an excellent leader.
This product was recommended by Rohan Kadam from Biking Know How
This is a fantastic auto-biography on Sam Walton. The founder of the Wal-Mart empire. It helped me stay motivated during the current uncertain times. This book is a short read. This book has excellent tips on entrepreneurship and building a business. I highly encourage this book to be read.
This product was recommended by Rajesh Namase from TechRT
This book is really relatable to most people no matter if the person reading has the same level of difficulties currently facing or has faced. It depicts the abyss and the paradise and how people are capable to climb up from their lowest of low to their highest of high. The book not only conveys situational events but also discusses how most people perceive them and how to get out of those situations. There are also exercises that can be done to improve our thought processes and how we view life as a whole. Eckhart Tolle teaches us how to live in the present moment and not worry about the future or past. He teaches us to stop thinking about our problems and just focus on what we’re doing right now. It also conveys the significance of self reflection in our lives.
This product was recommended by Amit Gami from Heat Pump Chooser
This is a timeless and best-selling book that every reader can easily appreciate and learn from. This book will teach its reader some greatest life lessons that can uplift one’s spirit to continue living life to the fullest. From reading this book, you’ll discover that there is more to life than your achievements and money. This will definitely lift your spirits in times of need.
This product was recommended by Lionel Mora from Neoplants
The Happiness Project follows a woman, Gretchen Rubin, who feels like she has it all (job, family, nice things) yet still feels discontent. Rubin sets out on a mission to find and achieve more happiness and fulfillment in her life. Along the way, Rubin discovers and documents scientific, philosophical, and real world support of her theory. The Happiness Project is an easy and uplifting read all the way through.
This product was recommended by Max Shak from nerDigital
Having been on the New York Times bestseller list for 315 weeks, this book has broken all records. What an incredible feat. Additionally, this is the only book written by a living author that has been translated into 80 languages. As a result, it has been entered into the Guinness Book of World Records. Basically, the book is about a boy’s dream and how he pursued it, how he overcame the obstacles he faced. For those who are looking to accomplish something in their lives, this book is a complete package.
This product was recommended by Allia Luzong from Sword Encyclopedia
It’s a tough book to read if you’re not used to academic text, but Camus’ quiet determination to enjoy life anyway, even if the universe is indifferent and defies human understanding, got me out of my lowest point. There’s no soft hand-holding about how it’s going to be better, The Myth of Sisyphus just shrugs its shoulders and vibes.
This product was recommended by Mark Joseph from Parental Queries
This classic book has helped millions of people to change their lives for the better by teaching them the power of positive thinking. It talks about how our thoughts can influence our actions and how positive thinking can lead to success in all areas of life.
This product was recommended by Mark Joseph from Parental Queries
This book is all about how our thoughts create our reality. It teaches us that we have the power to control our thoughts and use them to create the life we want. If you are looking for a book that will help you to change your thinking and improve your life, this is a great choice.
This product was recommended by Mark Joseph from Parental Queries
This book talks about the importance of taking the “road less traveled” in life. It encourages readers to step outside of their comfort zones and challenge themselves. It is an inspiring book that can help you to see life in a new way and make positive changes in your own life.
This product was recommended by Sharafudhin Mangalad from Edoxi Training Institute
What do we usually do when we feel low? We turn to familiar things for the comfort they offer. It may be a movie, a book or an activity. Well, Life Of Pi is one such book that can lift your spirits when you’re feeling low. In addition to that it will teach you a few life lessons and also make you question the nature of reality and certain preconceived notions. So the next time when you are not in the right spirits, find solace with an Indian boy from Pondicherry, stranded on a lifeboat in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger. It will never fail to uplift your spirits.”
This product was recommended by Cole South from Synchronize
Sometimes upliftment can come from something rather eccentric and nihilistic. Jonny Sun’s graphic novel, Everyone’s a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too, deals with our society and its weird ways. The story is narrated by Jomny, an alien who is not good at spelling like humans. He is sent to Earth to observe their ways. As Jomny navigates Earth and researches humans, he experiences many precious things. The book is filled with quotes about friendships, love, loss, finding yourself, and more. The story provides comfort through the eyes of an innocent alien. You feel better and inspired after reading this sweet novel.
This product was recommended by Jacob Villa from Authority
This book provides realistic concepts about life, and the first thing you’ll learn is that problems are inevitable. The book shares that we have to stop trying too hard and waiting for positive things to happen because as humans, we are bound to be wrong and make failures. Everything that happens to us has a purpose and meaning. What’s important is that we learn from them and improve. Out of all the things happening in our lives, we should figure out which ones matter and are important to us.
This product was recommended by Israel Gaudette from IG Marketing Inc.
It’s about a woman who loses her job, and she goes through a lot of ups and downs trying to find a new one. It has funny parts, sad parts, and happy parts—but it also has that feeling of being uplifting even when things are going poorly. The main character is so relatable that you feel like you’re reading about yourself in some places, even though she does things like travel to Australia for work or have a baby at 38 years old (which I’d never do). It’s an easy read, but it doesn’t feel dumbed-down or overly simplistic. The story moves along quickly and doesn’t drag anywhere. And while it’s not something you’d want to read if you’re looking for something deep and complex, it’s perfect if all you want is something fun and lighthearted.
This product was recommended by Shane Paarman from Awesome Stuff 365
I read this book through audible after I saw it trending upon its release, and I would 100% describe it as an uplifting book with a touching story and a great message, highly recommend.
This product was recommended by Granger McCollough from Elite Patio Direct
The Salt Path by Raynor Winn is one of the most uplifting true stories I have ever read and is a real tear-jerker because of it. Winn tells the story of how she and her husband lost their business and home in the space of a day, just before her husband was diagnosed with a brain disease. Instead of letting this crush them, they decided to walk 630 miles across the coast, and remind themselves of the natural beauty surrounding them. This is a book about hope and acceptance, and although it has some dark subject matters, it is very uplifting to hear her reminiscing.
This product was recommended by Xenia Mateiu from Village Rock Shop
Uplift your spirit and learn how to banish the negative energy in your life with Devi Brown’s fantastic book. It’s a great book for those who want to know more about crystals, but it is also an awesome resource for people who want to find peace and healing for their souls. You will learn how to harness the power of crystals to attract healthy love, tap into your creative side, and get motivated and driven to reach your goals. Spend some healing alone time meditating with gemstones, and more importantly, bring that non-toxic positivity into your life and find joy in little things.
This product was recommended by Adam Enfroy from AdamEnfroy
Why? If you’ve lost faith in the American dream, and feel that the future isn’t as bright as it should be, or you thought it would be, then you need to read Steve Case’s book that explains and illustrates the way that a new breed of digital entrepreneurs have reinvented the business landscape and opened the door for others who want to pick up the baton to follow their lead. It’s an inspiring and uplifting book that reminds its audience that anything is possible, and if you can dream it, then you can make it happen.
This product was recommended by Kirsten McKinley from Weddings & Brides
You’d think I wouldn’t like reading books about weddings since I already get enough wedding-related stuff through my business, but I absolutely love them! One of my favorties that is a real feel-good story is The Christmas Wedding. As you can guess, it’s a bout a wedding that takes place during Christmas, but the family drama involved, and the way the plot unfolds, is really enjoyable, and will leave you feeling ready for the holiday season.
This product was recommended by Jim Campbell from Honeymoon Goals
We live in dark times with climate change looming over us, and it is hard to find anyone to say anything uplifting about our current state of affairs. Notes From an A pocalypse by Mark O’Connel does exactly that. O’Connell puts his wit and comedic spin onto the situation of the world in a surprisingly hopeful and uplifting way.
This product was recommended by Chris Kowalski from Autopadre
It’s the definitive story of one of the greatest American entrepreneurs of all time, and Gabler tells his warts and all story without punching any punches or trying to brush over any of the less flattering moments of Walt’s life. It’s an inspiring story of a brilliant if slightly flawed man (and who among us isn’t slightly flawed) who proved that if you have a vision and you work hard enough, then you can make your dreams come true.
This product was recommended by Caio Bersot from Rank-it
Varieties of Disturbance is a great, uplifting book. It is full of quick stories, which make it easier for you to read at least one every day. It’s also gorgeously written and really, really funny. You will find yourself laughing out loud sometimes. And even when stories get dark, you will still be laughing due to Davis’ incredible sense of humour and ability to explore the little things that make us flawed, special, and undeniably human. This is one of those books that will make you forgive yourself for being too hard on yourself. Some of my favourite uplifting stories are in this book..”
This product was recommended by Allen Klein from AllenKlein
This book will show you how to enrich your life by viewing it through the eyes of a child. Children often see things with a clearer vision than an adult because their young age is not colored by prejudice and preconceived opinions. Adults tend to lose those traits as we get older, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With eighteen chapters (“secrets”), like, Be a Fun Seeker, Be a Beginner, and Be and Explorer, among others, Secrets Kids Know will help you get back to your unbiased childhood mind while entertaining you with joyous stories and fun-filled suggestions to lighten up your life. Winner of the 2017 Best New Book Award from the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor
This product was recommended by Luke Lee from PalaLeather
From the author of Tuesdays with Morrie, a phenomenal #1 New York Times bestseller, comes a book that explores the surprising connections in our lives and the notion that heaven is more than just a destination—an its answer. Eddie is a disabled war veteran who, in his opinion, has had a life deprived of inspiration. In a theme park by the seaside, he fixes rides. He is accidentally killed on his 83rd birthday while attempting to save a young girl from a falling cart. He discovers that heaven is not a place when he awakens in the afterlife. There, five individuals—some of whom you knew and others who may have been strangers—explain your life to you. Eddie’s five companions each reflect on their relationships with him throughout a different stage of his life, from youth to soldier to senior citizen, unraveling the riddles of his meaningless existence and revealing the chilling truth behind the age-old question, Why was I here?
This product was recommended by Eric Jones from Couture Candy
There is always something magical about the books of Saran Winman. The book Still Life is set in Italy’s Second World War scenario. It is a joyful book about all forms of love. Still, Life is the story of Ulysses and his chance encounter with a woman named Evelyn. This book will surely warm your soul.
This product was recommended by Eric Jones from Couture Candy
The Switch is about things you want to lift your laughs, spirits, romance, and several lovely characters with whom you can emotionally connect. It is a story of a woman, Leena, who lives with her grandmother and is forced to take a sabbatical. It tells the tale of when they both decide to swap lives. Read the book to understand how it uplifts your mind and soul.
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