13 Inspirational Trans Authors Write Down Their Stories

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Photo by Rosemary Ketchum from Pexels

The transgender experience is one which gets talked about by people who are not transgender at all, and way too often. These books are a legitimate way to learn about the feelings and experiences transgender people go through every day.

The feminist philosophy is supported by empathy and care; these books allow us to respect and value the diverse voices that are present in our society. So we think these authors are carrying out an extremely valiant and valuable effort for the benefit of all vulnerable groups in society.

#1 Transgender Profiles by Linda DeFruscio-Robinson

Transgender Profiles: Time for a Change is an inspirational volume from Linda DeFruscio about the courage it takes to become the person you have always felt you were inside to shirk off the mask that you have worn for your whole life until this moment. As an electrologist, Linda sees clients every day who are in the process of transitioning to a different gender, and she is there to help them in their journey of self-expression and the claiming of their identity.

Filled with twenty unique stories of bravery from all different walks of life, this book is a tribute to all the courageous people who take their identity in their own hands and go forth to find the body that fits the soul and mind within. For those considering transitioning, for those looking for perspective and guidance in supporting loved ones, or for those who are curious and want to understand the struggles and triumphs of transgender individuals, Transgender Profiles is an invaluable resource.

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#2 Real Queer America by Samantha Allen

A lot of books on the trans or queer experience — which is never a monolith, but as various as our individual lives – center on life in urban centers. Lots of books chronicle trans life in New York or San Francisco, Miami or Seattle. But what about all those spaces in between? Samantha Allen’s superlative Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States travels the in-between, interviewing trans and gender non-comforming folx about their experiences in places like Provo, Utah and rural Tennessee. It is a necessary book, in short.

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#3 Transgender Experience edited by Chantal Zabus and David Coad

This work is a collection of writings by both trans and non-trans academics and artists from across the UK, the U.S. and Europe. It assesses how transgenderism can be understood in a biographical, literary and autobiographical framework, focusing on the relation to place, ethnicity, and visibility. This work spans decades, from the 1950’s to current times, including thoughts on the various stages of the transitioning process. Furthermore, it includes interviews with trans individuals to get a real feel for what they experience.

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#4 Trans Bodies, Trans Selves

The title is a riff on the classic *Our Bodies, Ourselves* for a reason–this book is packed with information useful to trans people–or anyone seeking to learn more about trans issues.

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#5 A Clinician’s Guide to Gender-Affirming Care

With extremely useful information for clinicians, this book should be accessible to all helping professionals.

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#6 Trans Homo…GASP! Gay FTM & Cis Men on Sex & Love

Some people get sexual orientation and gender identity confused, but they’re not the same thing! This book delves into issues of sex and relationships among men–including trans men–who identify as gay or desire other men.

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#7 Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us

Kate Bornstein is one of the mot engaging and creative writers about gender identity ever! This is a classic.

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#8 Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation

Kate Bornstein teamed up with S. Bear Bergman for an anthology that collects a new generation of activists, artists and thinkers.

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#9 Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity

A classic of trans feminism.

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#10 Transgender History

Noted trans historian Susan Stryker covers the history of the trans community from mid-20th century onward.

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#11 The Gender Quest Workbook

This guide for young people is full of insight and resources when a youth needs it most: the early steps of navigating gender identity.

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#12 The Gender Book

This delightful book delves into gender in a fun and accedssible way.

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#13 You and Your Gender Identity by Dara Hoffman-Fox

In this groundbreaking workbook, Dara Hoffman-Fox LPC – accomplished gender therapist and thought leader whose articles, blogs and videos have empowered thousands worldwide – helps the reader navigate their journey of self-discovery as it relates to gender identity. *You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Discovery* offers a clear, three-stage path that can be followed at one’s own pace.

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Contributors to this article
Joan Schweighardt from N/A

D. Gilson from AutoInsurance

Adina Mahalli from EnlightenedReality

Carol Queen from Good Vibrations

Dara Hoffman from DiscoverYourGenderIdentity

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