Having loved ones in your life is a blessing and since they’re special to you, a lot of you are always doing little things to let them know you care. From loving text messages throughout the day to great gifts on special days, your feelings are quite clear.
However, for some of you, even with all of your perseverance and dedication, it’s hard to find ways to make your loved ones feel special. Whether that’s the case or you’re just looking for something new to do for them, one of these ideas may be perfect.
1. A Special Gift
- For her – while a really nice perfume is a nice gift at certain times, jewelry is almost always a good “go-to” as a special gift for a woman. However, you can make her feel extra special with a personalized infinity name necklace that will remind her every day that you’ll love her forever.
- For him – when it comes to birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions, some boyfriends/husbands/significant others can be a little difficult to find a gift for. However, it’s hard to go wrong with cozy loungewear such as warm sweatpants, a soft hoodie, or a plush robe.
- For either – personalized Valentine’s Day gifts are ones that are certain to make them feel special. Grab a great photo of you together and have it turned into a professional canvas or add his or her favorite picture to a pillow, plaque, or coffee mug. Either way, this is a great way to make them feel special.

2. A Special Gesture
Aside from outright gifts, there are several great ways to show how much they mean to you. Take a few minutes out of your day with one of the following and it’s virtually assured that they’ll know how special they are to you.
- A hand-written letter – in the age of text messages and emails, very few people take the time to write letters to each other. It doesn’t have to be long, you can just jot down a few things to let them know you’re thinking about them. You can leave it on the table or nightstand, but if you want to give it a cute little twist, send it via snail mail to work or home.
- Just because – it doesn’t have to be a birthday or anniversary to take them out for a nice dinner. Let them pick a place or make a reservation at their favorite restaurant and have a date night. Alternatively, make his or her favorite dinner from scratch and surprise them on a random night.
- Just say hello – whether they’re a super busy and powerful woman or they’re working class, call them every day at lunch or before the drive home. You don’t have to discuss your entire day or have a long conversation at all. Just call to say hi and tell them that you love them.
- Something they’ve always wanted – use the element of surprise and get them that one thing they’ve always hesitated splurging on for themselves. This one might be a little more costly, especially if it’s something like a car or international trip, but it is almost certain to be one that they’ll remember for a lifetime.
As you’ve seen, something as simple as a hand-written letter and the smallest of gifts and gestures can make your loved one feel special. Generally speaking, taking the time to get a personalized gift or one that you know is meaningful to them shows that you were not only thinking about them, but that you wanted to do something extra special for them.