9 Black Empowerment Books Every #BlackLivesMatter Supporter Should Read

7 mins read
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

For centuries, people who look like you have been oppressed, exploited and even exterminated. Slavery and colonialism may have ended but the legacies of both continue to haunt the 21st century. In fact, racial oppression remains a global problem that has recently found itself in the spotlight.

On August 9th, 2014, Mike Brown was gunned down by the police in Ferguson, Missouri. Within hours, my twitter feed was exploding with angry protesters from faraway states, joining arms, demanding justice. #BlackLivesMatter quickly became a trending topic, and then the name of a movement. Weeks later, two NYPD officers would be shot from their cruiser and instantly killed by a lone gunman claiming to be retaliating against #BlackLivesMatter.

On December 20th, the world watched in horror as the apartment of 12 year old Tamir Rice was recorded on a cell phone, his final moments brutally snatched away by police officers. The day after, protestors took to the streets, chanting #BlackLivesMatter.

On July 5th, 2013, George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin to death in Florida, claiming self defense. #BlackLivesMatter resurfaced not only online, but in the streets, as well. Marchers took to the streets with posters and signs, demanding justice.

And on May 2nd, 2012, Jordan Davis was killed by Michael Dunn in the gas station where he was asked to turn down his music. An argument ensued and Dunn fired shots, eventually killing Jordan. In protest, demonstrators used #BlackLivesMatter as a mark of solidarity.

If you’re not a black person, you may be asking yourself, “Why?” Why do people of color have to constantly fight to be treated as humans by a system designed to benefit them? Why should I care about black empowerment? Why should I read books about black empowerment?

The simple 1-4 answer is to do the right thing. You should be an agent of positive change in the world, you should stand for what’s right.

However, the truth is a little more complicated. In order to understand why you should care about black empowerment, we need to understand the “why’s” and “how’s” of a system designed to disenfranchise millions of people.

I enlisted the help of a number of brilliant authors to help me demystify white supremacy and the system of oppression it built. They answered some of the most common questions about the black experience in America.

If you’re not black, there’s a lot to learn.

The 48 Laws of Black Empowerment by Dante Fortson

This product was recommended by Ali Rizvi from Dream Superhero

It is often praised as one of the best books to read if you want to get ahead in life.

Self Love by Adeline Bird

This product was recommended by Melanie Musson from AutoInsuranceCompanies

There’s nothing more empowering than when you finally accept and love yourself. Your self-confidence will emanate and you’ll feel ready to accomplish anything. This book guides the reader through the steps of discovering who they really are and appreciating their inner self. It helps the reader break through the misconceptions of others to find the truth about themselves.

Genesis by Seth B. Kajang

This product was recommended by Seth B. Kajang from N/A

This Bible Commentary presents a fresh way to read and apply the Word of God to practical daily life. It makes the Word of God come alive in simple, straightforward, and practical ways. The reader will find it inspiring, down-to-earth, and relevant for living the practical Christian life in an age of apathy, confusion, and despondency. In Genesis: Discover Your Purpose, Seth B. Kajang, a seasoned Pastor, Theologian, and Conference Speaker espouses practical, relevant, and inspirational lessons from every chapter of Genesis from a devotional perspective to motivate Christians to live purposeful and meaningful lives from the perspective of God the Creator. Drawing on years of experience as a Pastor, Church Planter, and Seminary Instructor, Kajang examines the book of Genesis from devotional and pastoral perspectives that help the reader to easily understand the meaning of the text but much more apply it in practical and meaningful ways. Genesis: Discover Your Purpose is a book that will help Christians, irrespective of theological and denominational affiliations, apply biblical principles in their day-to-day lives for personal and spiritual growth. This inspiring theological masterpiece, the first in the Motivation Bible Commentary, is ground breaking not so much because it exegetes the book of Genesis in a new way but because it helps readers understand and apply God’s Word in fresh and relatable manner. As Kajang demonstrates in every chapter of this commentary, each story in the book of Genesis resonates with humans of all ages at a deeper, existential level.

Black Fortunes by Shomari Wills

This product was recommended by Kenneth Pasley from Kenny SaySo

This book has had a profound effect on the way that I look at socio economic standings in this country, along with providing the inspiration to work smarter each passing day. This year has been a wake up call for every walk of life, but has been a bit tougher on black people as a whole. On Juneteenth, we witnessed amazing collaborative efforts within the black community in supporting black-owned businesses. As a business owner, I understand the amount of discouragement we face when business slows down. Black Fortunes serves as a reminder to the black community that we are all very much capable of being wealthy through our businesses. When we take a look to see what was, we are better able to see what can be. I recommend this book to anyone who needs a change of perspective.

Sightseeing with Sandy by Shambrekia Wise

This product was recommended by Shambrekia Wise from Sightseeing with Sandy

We are a children’s series that takes children all across the world with this adorable little girl, her favorite stuffed animal and her mother, as she teaches about history, culture, geography and of course travel. As we understand that representation matters, I am using mainly charters of color to allow children to see themselves in temporarily unattainable situations. This gives children hope and let’s them know they have someone believing in them.

Young, Gifted and Black by Jamia Wilson

This product was recommended by Mel Schuit from The Quarto Group

All children deserve to see themselves represented positively in the books they read. Highlighting the talent and contributions of black leaders and changemakers from around the world, readers of all backgrounds will be empowered to discover what they too can achieve. Strong, courageous, talented, and diverse, these extraordinary men and women’s achievements will inspire a new generation to chase their dream…whatever it may be.

This Book Is Anti-Racist by Tiffany Jewell

This product was recommended by Mel Schuit from The Quarto Group

Who are you? What is racism? Where does it come from? Why does it exist? What can you do to disrupt it? Learn about social identities, the history of racism and resistance against it, and how you can use your anti-racist lens and voice to move the world toward equity and liberation. Gain a deeper understanding of your anti-racist self as you progress through 20 chapters that spark introspection, reveal the origins of racism that we are still experiencing and give you the courage and power to undo it. Each chapter builds on the previous one as you learn more about yourself and racial oppression.. Exercise prompts get you thinking and help you grow with the knowledge.

The Power Book by Claire Saunders

This product was recommended by Mel Schuit from The Quarto Group

What makes you the boss of me? What makes a king a king, or a queen a queen? Why can some people vote for their leaders, but other people can’t? Does having lots of money make you powerful? Why are there fewer female scientists, leaders and artists than men in history books? These are things that children wonder about. Beautifully illustrated and thought-provoking, The Power Book attempts to answer these and other questions in a relatable way for young children. Readers will gain an understanding of their place in their family, their school, and the world, and will discover ways in which they can use their own power to shape the future.

Blast Off Into Space Like Mae Jemison by Caroline Moss

This product was recommended by Mel Schuit from The Quarto Group

When Mae Jemison was a little girl, she loved science, dancing, and dinosaurs. She watched the Apollo moon landings and wondered why none of the astronauts were women-and she just didn’t buy the answers she was given…Work It, Girl is an empowering series of biographies featuring modern women in the world of work, from designers and musicians to CEOs and scientists. Each of these vibrantly illustrated books tells the story of a remarkable woman in 10 chapters that highlight transformative moments in her life, following the ups and downs that she faced on her road to success. At the end, 10 key lessons show what you can learn from these moments, and self-reflection questions help you apply these lessons to your own life. Brightly colored photo illustrations of 3-D cut paper artwork featuring inspiring quotes from these amazing women bring their stories to vivid life. Learn how to work it as you lay the foundations for your own successful career.

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
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